Hello there.
Just wanted to come in and check how you want to celebrate this year’s Halloween? In case you’re wondering about getting some much-needed resources for your online business, we’ve got you covered.
WPXPO presents its Halloween offers featuring massive discounts on trending WordPress solutions. Since we’re doing some excellent work with our WordPress plugins, we wanted to share our excitement with you.
Be as it may, you cannot get past the fact that over 40% of all websites on the internet run on WordPress. And if you’re thinking of starting your online blog or starting your own E-commerce on the WordPress platform, we have the perfect gift for you this Halloween.
Want to know what we’re selling? We’ll just keep on reading. We’re sure you’ll find something super useful.
PostX and ProductX: Massive Discounts on Both!
PostX and ProductX are two of the fastest-growing Gutenberg-based WordPress tools. And our Halloween offers to cover them both!
One is excellent for creating awesome-looking blogs on news-magazine, kitchen-recipe, travel, and other factions. And the other is the one-stop solution for creating on-the-go online stores without the need for any extraterrestrial knowledge.
Both of these WordPress plugins were built with one thing in mind-offer the customers a superior experience than the competition. Both the PostX and ProductX plugins are getting excellent feedback from our users in the WordPress community.
And both of these plugins are on a Massive Sale!
PostX: Creating Blogs with Full, Seamless Control
One of the very first considerations we had, when we were building this plugin, was this:
‘How can we help the average Joe build a blog site in just a few clicks? If he/she has limited experience with WordPress, how do we address that?’
With these questions in mind, we started to work on a WordPress plugin. Upon doing some extensive research and development, we built the PostX plugin.
It’s a Gutenberg-based WordPress plugin that’s easy to use, has a lot of design properties for the user to play with, and is something that’s pretty close to offering total control over your blog. Moreover, you can get your blog up and running within 5-8 clicks!
Benefits of the PostX Gutenberg Blocks Plugin
As mentioned earlier, you can get your WordPress blog up and running with just a few clicks of the mouse.
And that’s the beauty of this plugin. You see, PostX comes with a wide variety of Starter blocks designs. These design blocks are super easy to implement. Once you import any of them to your WordPress page, it creates the page for you. You don’t have to dabble around with any of the settings whatsoever!
But what if you wanted to get a more ‘Hands-on’ approach? In that case, you have the pre-made design blocks ready at your disposal. These Gutenberg blocks are fully customizable with built-in design settings. With these intuitive settings, you can easily change the design of the blocks and build them just the way you want them.

As far as the other features go, we’ll PostX has a lot of useful addons for you to try out. The SEO addons will allow you to optimize your content for the search engines. And the Archive Builder and Table of Content addons will add further value to the overall SEO quality of your websites.
Moreover, It works totally fine with popular WordPress builders like Elementor, Divi, etc. [if you’re into that]. More updates are on the horizon and will soon be up for release.
Features and SEO Benefits of PostX
Special Features
There are numerous features and benefits available of PostX Gutenberg Blocks Plugin. We want to highlight the most beneficial features.
Starter Packs: Starter packs are premade designs with the right combination of multiple Gutenberg blocks. PostX has 17 Starter Packs for creating different kinds of sites including News Magazine, Personal Blog, Recipe Blog, Fitness Blog, Fashion Blog, Travel Blog, etc.
You can easily create customized Home page and Archive Page Templates by importing any Starter Packs from the Block Library of PostX. After Importing any starter packs you can also customize them according to your need. Because PostX allows full customization options for all blocks and Starter Packs.
Archive Builder: The archive builder is a powerful add-on of PostX. It allows creating a specific or same template for all archive pages including Categories, Taxonomies, Search and Date Pages.

Turn on the Builder addon from the all addons section to create customized templates for the archive pages. After turning on the addon, you can access the builder template creation section. Go there and create your templates using the 100+ Gutenberg Blocks of PostX.
Table of Contents: The table of contents automatically adds all the Headings and Sub-headings of blog posts as jump links to different sections. That is why PostX has also introduced an add-on to add Table of Contents blocks to Blog Posts.

First of all, you need to turn on the Table of Contents Addon to start using it. Then, you can add it to any blog post on your site. Adding the Table of Contents block is as easy as adding any other Gutenberg block. After adding the Content table you can also customize it according to your need.
Query Builder: The Advance Query builder of the PostX plugin allows to showcase posts with different criteria including the number of posts, popular posts, related posts, etc.

To sort posts of any Blocks you need to select it and go to the settings section. Then you can decide how many Posts or Pages should be displayed in the selected block using the Query builder settings. However, the main attraction of Query Builder is the quick query. By using it, you can display specific Posts including, Latest Posts, Most Popular Posts, Related Posts, Most Commented Posts, etc.
Post Slider: The Post slider lets users showcase multiple posts to get extra attention from the visitors. The Gutenberg Slider Block allows showcasing any type of Post by sorting them by category and tags.
After adding a slider block you can customize it using the setting options. First of all, you can customize it by choosing from the premade designs. You can also use the Query Builder setting to sort posts and pages of the Slider Block.
Progressbar: Progressbar is the most newly introduced addon of PostX. It helps users by showing a graphical indicator to know the reading progress of a blog post.

Like all other addons, you need to turn it on to start using. Then you can access the settings. By default, the Progressbar will be displayed on all blog posts. But you can also add it to the home page and all pages of your site.
SEO Benefits
PostX Gutenberg Post Blocks plugin is highly optimized and SEO friendly. But some features of it can add some extra value for search engine optimization. The Archive Builder and Table of Contents add-ons can increase the organic traffic of your site if you can use them for on-page optimization.
On-Page Optimization with Archive Builder: As you already know that, the archive builder addon lets you create custom archive templates. While customizing a template for a specific category you can also add text, image, or video content.
So, add keyword-optimized content at the end of the category pages. It will help your categories to rank higher on the SERP. It will increase the organic traffic of your site. By using the same method you can also optimize other archive pages as well.
On-Page Optimization with Table of Content: The main purpose of adding a Table of Contents is to break down different sections of blog posts. So, the users can easily navigate through different sections of content.
However, The Table of Content is also an important thing for on-page optimization. It helps to win featured snippets and display jump links of specific sections of the content of blog posts. According to Rank Math (one of the best SEO Plugins), all blog posts should have a Table of Content for better on-page optimization. And, the Table of Content of PostX is compatible with Rank Math.
ProductX: The Online Marketplace Hero!
We had to follow the same process and ask the same questions before getting into the development.
We wanted to offer an immaculate experience to our users when they try to use our plugin to build an online store for the very first time [or update the shopping experience of their customers].
The result was ProductX, a WooCommerce Blocks builder that’s fully capable of offering a smooth and precise e-store establishing experience. Again, just like PostX, it can help create your online store in just a few clicks.
And all of it is thanks to its [again] immaculate feature set.
Benefits of ProductX
ProductX is unique in its own right. Again, it is a Gutenberg-based option-meaning you will have full compatibility with the WordPress Gutenberg Editor. And the fact that’s fully compatible with the features of WooCommerce makes it even more appealing.
Many of the features for ProductX are the result of the inheritance of features from PostX. But they are different in the sense that they’re built for products.
So, it’s pretty much needless to say that all the customizable features for the pre-made blocks and starter packs will be smooth as usual. And the usual features you’ll need for an online store like the wishlist, Product-Compare, Image Flip, Quickview are all there as addons for you to use on your WordPress store.
In short, it’s a fast WooCommerce plugin that’s super handy and doesn’t require you to be a rocket scientist.
Features and Conversion Optimization
Special Features
ProductX has all the required features to create an Idle WooCommerce site. Below are the main and most useful features.
Starter Packs: The ProductX WooCommerce plugin offers multiple premade starter packs to create any kind of online store. These pre-made designs are highly optimized for increasing conversion rate and SEO-friendly.
You can easily import any Starter Packs to create customized Home Page and Product Pages. You can also customize it from the settings section. ProductX allows full customization options for all Product Blocks.
WooCommerce Wishlist: The Wishlist addon of ProductX allows users to add any products to Wishlist. Later, they can decide which products they want to buy by adding to the cart.

There are two types of Wishlist features available. One is redirecting to the Wishlist Page and the Second is Popup Wishlist after selecting products. You can use any of these two from the settings section of ProductX.
Product Comparison: Product Comparison is one of the most popular Addons of the ProductX WooCommerce plugin. It lets the users compare multiple products of the WooCommerce store.

ProductX offers two types of product comparisons. You can decide whether the users should see the comparison of selected products to a specific page or in the popup. You can choose the Comparison type from the settings section.
Product Filter: ProductX offers Ajax Powered Product Filtering option. You can Filter Products by Category and Tags of a specific Product Block. So, users can explore multiple types of Products without reloading the page.

You Can access the filtering option by turning it on from the General setting. While filtering products you can choose specific or multiple categories or tags.
Product Slider: A product slider is the best way to showcase products of any online store. With the help of ProductX, one can easily add the slider and customize it according to their need.
Showcase popular, latest, on sale, or any categorized products by adding Product Slider block and sorting products using the Query setting.
Conversion Benefits
All the Product blocks and features of ProductX are highly conversion-focused. So, if you want to convert visitors into customers you should make the best use of ProductX. Here’s what you can do:
- Make sure users stay on your site for a longer period of time. For that, Product wishlist and Product comparison are most effective.
- Display Most Popular products to the Product slider. So, users will be attracted to the showcased products.
- Letting users explore multiple types of products is one of the best ways to increase the conversion rate. So, make the best use of the Product filter feature.
- Make sure your site loads fast on mobile devices. For that, you need to use an SEO-Optimized Plugin. And, ProductX is one of the best choices.
Final Words
We know what you’re thinking:
‘Will the investment be worthy for me?’
We have all our cards on the table. All we want for you is to have a great time using our WordPress products. For this very reason, we are welcoming you to get your hands on one of our offerings. We’re very excited to offer the experience.
And in doing so, keeping up with the Halloween spirit, we are putting our best Halloween offers on the table.
All we can say now is this: Don’t miss out! You will regret it if you do!