3 Ways to Address Woocommerce Change Number of Products per Page

  • By: Sadik Ahmed
  • Updated:
WooCommerce Change Number of Products per Page


Today’s discussion focuses on a very particular problem. It’s about addressing WooCommerce change number of products per page. In essence, you want to know how many products you can show on your WooCommerce site. 

Fortunately, other than focusing on the key issue, we will be sharing a few tips here and there. You may want to keep an eye on the resources section and the FAQ section to learn more about the key issue alongside other relevant issues. 

Here’s what you can expect from today’s discussion. We’ll be showing you how you can use the quick query feature of ProductX to show the number of products on each page (we’ll even show you how you can use the quick query to its fullest potential). 

Next, we’ll be discussing the showcase of WooCommerce products per page from the WooCommerce theme customization option. Furthermore, we’ll be showing you ways to customize the product number of WooCommerce using custom code snippets. 

So, without further ado, let’s get started. 

Solution 1: WooCommerce Change Number of Products Per Page using ProductX 

As you probably know already, ProductX is a WooCommerce blocks plugin that allows you to create awesome WooCommerce shop websites. In order to show a specific number of products, you can use the ProductX query builder. 

ProductX is now WowStore! We’re very excited to bring you this experience, packed with exciting features. Please note that the features, blocks, starter packs, etc. all work the same. If you have used ProductX, you’ll feel right at home with WowStore.

The query builder in ProductX is a powerful tool that helps you show particular products in the ready-made blocks of ProductX. Here are the things you can do with the quick query: 

  1. The ‘Quick Query’ drop-down allows you to choose your products with the best ratings, upsell products, cross-sell products, related products based on category, tag, and more. All you have to do is select the query and you’re good to go. 
  2. Of course, you can select the number of WooCommerce products you want to show. 
  3. You can choose to exclude the products that are out of stock by simply clicking the ‘Exclude out of Stock’ toggle. 
  4. You have the option to order your products using the ‘Order by’ dropdown. 
  5. You can include and exclude products using the product ID as well. All you have to do is separate the id by commas. 
  6. Last but not the least, you can set an offset value for your products using the slider. 

So far, we’ve seen that the quick query builder can pinpoint which products you want to show. So, let’s show you a quick demo on how you can pinpoint the number of posts you want to show to a particular shop page. 

In this scenario, we’ll be using a product slide view to showcase 6-random products that are on sale and then set an order. 

You can also explore some advanced features of ProductX through the following resources:
1. Explore ProductX Customizer
2. Explore ProductX Wishlist
3. Compare Products with WooCommerce
4. Explore how to flip or change a product image on hover

Step 1: Choosing a Ready-made block 

We’ll be choosing a grid block (you can choose any block you want) and importing it to the page. Once imported, go to the Setting Tab and change the following: 

  1. Set the ‘Product view’ to slide view
  2. Change the ‘Column gap’ to 20. 
  3. Leave the rest of the general settings as default. 

Note: You can take advantage rest of the advanced features of ProductX like AJAX filtering and pagination, Product Image, Category, and other settings. 

Step 2:  Access the Query Settings 

You’ll need to toggle the quick query settings ‘on’ from the general tab in order to use it (it should be on by default). Now, go to the query tab. From there, you’ll have to change the rest of the settings. 

Step 3: Change WooCommerce Number of Products 

You can change the following settings to show a particular number of products. Note that we’re doing this for a demo purpose only. You can play around with the different settings. Here’s what you can do: 

  1. Choose ‘Random product’ from the quick query. 
  2. Select the ‘Number of Posts’ to 8. 
  3. Choose the ‘On Sale’ product status from the dropdown. 
  4. Select the ‘Clothing’ and ‘Hoodies’ category. 
  5. Order the products by ‘Oldest to Newest’ using the Order by functionality. 
  6. Leave the rest of the settings to default. 

Once you’ve done it, your readymade block should look like the following: 

ProductX WooCommerce Number of Products in Query Builder
Number of Products in ProductX Query Builder

Change WooCommerce Number of Products per Page [Custom Shop Page]

So, now you know how to change the number of products to a particular block. You can do the same thing when you want to create your own personal shop page and show a particular number of WooCommerce Products for a particular shop page. Here’s how to do it: 

Step 1: Create a Custom Shop Page

Create a custom shop page where you want to show particular products in a particular number. 

Step 2: Choose a Grid Block for Showcasing WooCommerce Products 

You can choose a particular ready block from the ProductX block library. Or, if you wish, you can choose a starter pack as well. You can also select a particular layout as well. 

Step 3: Go to Product Query and Change parameters 

Now, you will choose how many WooCommerce products you want to show on the page. You can either choose to show all products or determine the number of WooCommerce products per page using the ProductX query builder as shown earlier. 

That’s all there is to it. Here’s a quick look:

WooCommerce Change Number of Products per Page using ProductX Grid
WooCommerce Change Number of Products per Page using ProductX Grid

So, you can create a complete ProductX WooCommerce shop page with either the ready-made blocks or starter packs. 

Note: The starter packs are a great way to get you started with your first WooCommerce shop. All you have to do is import the template from the library and you’re good to go. You just have to make a couple of tweaks here and there.

Now, we will move on to the other solutions you can explore. 

Solution 2: Show Specific WooCommerce Products Per Page Using the Default Theme Settings 

ProductX is pretty much an all-around option for managing your WooCommerce site. You can manage everything more or less. However, if you want to change the number of WooCommerce products on the default page, you can do that as well. Here are the steps you need to follow: 

Quick Note: We are using the default ‘Storefront’ theme for offering the solution. You can use other themes that are recommended for WooCommerce. Do take note that the options may not be the same as the method we’re discussing here. 

Step 1: Visit the Store Page 

You can visit the store page directly from your WordPress dashboard. All you have to do is go to the top left side of your page and make sure to click on ‘visit store’. It will take you to the WooCommerce store page. 

Visit WooCommerce Store from WordPress Dashboard
Visit WooCommerce Store from WordPress Dashboard

Step 2: Locate the Customizer Options 

You will now see your WooCommerce shop page. You should also see a ‘customize’ option somewhere on the top left. Once you click on it, it will take you to the theme customizer options. 

Step 3: Navigate to the WooCommerce Settings 

Once you’re in the theme customizer option, you will find different settings of the theme. You will need to go to WooCommerce>Product Catalog. You will now be able to see the WooCommerce Product Number option.  

Go to WooCommerce Product Catalogue from the Customization Settings
Go to WooCommerce Product Catalogue from the Customization Settings

Step 4: Change the WooCommerce Number of Products 

You will now be able to change the number of WooCommerce products you want to show. 

Before we move on to addressing the WooCommerce change number of products per page issue. we want to talk about the various options. For example, you can choose to show your products or categories or both from the ‘Shop Page Display’ setting. 

WooCommerce Change Number of Products per Page Theme Settings
WooCommerce Products per Page Theme Settings

Also, you can change the category view and the sort products by using their popularity and more. 

Finally, if you want to change the number of products per page (specifically per row), you can do that by simply giving the number of WooCommerce Products as the input. Also, you can change the number of rows of products you want to show as well. 

Unfortunately, there are limitations with the design properties and how you can customize them with various theme options. So, if you want to have the full taste of customizability, then make sure to check out the features of ProductX. 

Solution 3: Use Custom Code for WooCommerce Change Number of Products per Page 

There’s the option to use custom code snippets to specific WooCommerce products per page. 

If you want to show the total number of products on a particular shop page, you can use the following code snippet: 

//Change the number of products shown in WooCommerce Page 

add_filter( 'loop_shop_per_page', 'shop_product_per_page', 30 );

function shop_product_per_page( $products ) {
 $products = 8;
 return $products;

This code shows 8-products per WooCommerce page once implemented. Here’s how the page looks:

WooCommerce Product Page with 8 Products
WooCommerce Product Page with 8 Products

Now the question is, where should you use the code snippet? Well, you’ll need to use the code snippet in the functions.php file of your WordPress theme. Here’s how to do it: 

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard. 
  2. Now go to Appearance>Theme file editor
  3. Once there, find the functions.php file from the right-hand side in theme settings.
  4. In the functions.php file (Theme Functions), copy the code snippet at the very end. 
  5. Finally, save the changes. 

Here’s a quick overview:

Changing WooCommerce Number of Products using Code Snippet
Changing WooCommerce Number of Products using Code Snippet

If you want to change the number of columns for WooCommerce product showcasing, you can do that as well. All you have to do is check out the previous steps and past the following code snippet:

//Change the number of columns in WooCommerce Page 

add_filter( 'loop_shop_columns', 'shp_col_per_page' );

function shp_col_per_page( $columns ) {
 $columns = 3;
 return $columns;

You can change the number of columns and see what happens. 

In a nutshell, these are the proven ways to address the WooCommerce change number of products per page issue. All of the above-mentioned options offer tried and true ways to change the number of WooCommerce products per page.


We would highly encourage you to check out this section to find important answers to frequently asked questions: 

How do I change the number of products per page in WooCommerce?

You can change the number of products per page in WooCommerce using the ProductX plugin’s Product Query feature. Just go to your ready-block settings, navigate to the ‘Query’ section. Here you’ll find the ‘Number of Products’ slider where you can choose how many products you want to show.

You can also use the default theme settings or code snippets (as mentioned above). All you have to do is follow the steps. 

How do I change the number of products per row in WooCommerce?

You can use the default theme settings to change the number of products per page. All you have to do is go to the theme customizer>WooCommerce>product catalog. From there, you can change the number of products and the number of rows for WooCommerce products. 

How do I implement WooCommerce product per page pagination?

You can easily implement WooCommerce product pagination with the ProductX plugin. Just choose a product grid block. Under the general settings, you can toggle the ‘Pagination’ settings to turn on from here. 

How do I show all products on one page in WooCommerce?

By default, WooCommerce shows 3-4 products per row. If you want to show all the products at once, you can just toggle the number of products from the ProductX plugin or change it via the WooCommerce theme settings. You can also use custom code snippets for this very purpose. 

What is the minimum WooCommerce product limit? 

In general, WooCommerce shows 3-4 products per row on a page. You clearly have a lot of options to change it.

Final Thoughts 

If you’ve made it this far, then congratulations. You now know how to address the WooCommerce change number of products per page issue. 

So far, we’ve highlighted how to manipulate the ProductX plugin settings to change the WooCommerce number of products per page. You’ve highlighted the ways to manipulate the ProductX advanced query builder and show the correct number of products from your end. 

In the later sections, we also mentioned the ways to use your theme defaults to manipulate the number of rows and the number of WooCommerce products per page. Finally, we showed you a demo on how to use custom code snippets for showing the custom number of WooCommerce products per page

Please share your thoughts on the matter. If you have any more tricks regarding the matter, do share them in the comments section below. 


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Written bySadik Ahmed

Hey there, I'm Sadik Ahmed, a WordPress enthusiast who loves to try out and review new themes and services.

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