How to Customize WooCommerce Search Result Page with ProductX

  • By: Ruhul
  • Updated:
Customize WooCommerce Search Results Page

Do you want to customize WooCommerce search result page?

It isn’t much you can do with the search function in WordPress or WooCommerce out of the box. However, you can boost sales and expansion efforts by tailoring the products to customers’ searches.

In this post, we will demonstrate how to improve the user experience of your WooCommerce product search results page with ProductX.

Why Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page?

WooCommerce has a built-in product search function by default. However, it has significant restrictions. This might result in your clients being unable to locate the desired goods as they don’t have a properly optimized search result page.

As a consequence, you may be losing prospective sales. Customers may not return to your online shop if they cannot locate what they are searching for.

Fortunately, ProductX can resolve this issue in no time. With the new WooCommerce Builder from ProductX, creating a store now is a very simple and easy process.

How to Customize WooCommerce Search Result Page

Here we’ll show you how to customize the WooCommerce search results page using the plugin ProductX. First, make sure you have installed the ProductX plugin.

Video Tutorial

Before entering the thorough process, we think you’ll love to have a visual walkaround of the tutorial process.

Step 1: Turn on the Woo Builder

After you have installed the ProductX plugin, you need to navigate to its Getting Started page.

Now simply click on the Enable button to start getting the benefits of the addon.

ProductX Woo Builder
Turn on WooCommerce Builder Addon

Step 2: Create WooCommerce Search Result Page Template

Creating WooCommerce Search Result Page
Creating WooCommerce Search Result Page

After turning on the Builder, you must create a search result page. To do that:

  • Go to WordPress Dashboard.
  • Select ProductX, then Go to the Woo Builder tab.
  • Click on Product Search.
  • Now you can create a template from scratch or use a premade template that you like.
  • Give a name to your template.
  • Click the Add Block (+) button to add necessary blocks to the template.
  • Now hit Publish. 

And you’re done with creating a WooCommerce search result Page Template.

Step 3: Customize WooCommerce Search Result Page 

Arranging Search Result Page
Arranging Search Result Page

After creating the template, your job is not completely done. You can further customize the template by changing customization settings for blocks. The two most important blocks are:

  • Archive Title
  • Product Grid

ProductX offers several customization options for these blocks. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Archive Title Block

Archive Title Block Settings
Archive Title Block Settings

It’s a dynamic block that works with your WooCommerce search result page. With ProductX, you can:

  • Customize all types of typographies. 
  • Add custom prefix for search bar.
  • Add image.
  • Add excerpt and modify its typographies.

But let’s tell you a secret with this block, in the prefix, use “Search result for: “as prefix text. It’ll surely make your search page appealing.

Product Grid Block

Product Grid Block Settings
Product Grid Block Settings

Well, these are the default blocks you get with ProductX. With these blocks, you can:

  • Show products.
  • Change the view.
  • Customize the size of product grids.
  • Show’ hots’, ‘sales’, and ‘in stock’ tags for products.
  • Show prices, reviews, and additional information about products.
  • Show and customize titles.
  • And so much more.

Another tip for this block always enables pagination as it is a must for search pages.


This article should have helped you understand how to customize the WooCommerce search results page. If you have any questions about this, please let us know, and we would be happy to assist you.

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Written byRuhul

Ruhul is a technical and SEO-driven content writer, a tech enthusiast, and a pro gamer. He loves exploring new things and has written over 1,500 articles on diverse topics.

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