How to Add and Display On-Sale Products in WooCommerce: An Easy Guideline!

Displaying on-sale products in any Woo store is a great pricing strategy that attracts customers and boosts any WooCommerce store at the earliest possible time. It is an easy and inevitable task that every WooCommerce store owner should know and apply to their store.

Are you a store owner and worried about adding on-sale products to your store? 

This article will help you set up and display on-sale products in your store and grab the attention of your customers.

Why Display WooCommerce On-Sale Products?

Displaying on-sale products in any store has multiple advantages. From a customer’s point of view, I can say that this feature attracts more than any other offerings provided by any store. 

Think about Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Christmas. Every store owner offers discounted prices on their products around the world, and you too need to offer on-sale products to grow your business.

When you apply this to your store, the orders will be increased for sure, and as a result, it will expand your average order value (AOV). It is one of the quickest possible ways to boost sales in any store.

Another big opportunity is that if any product does not perform well in the store, by decreasing prices, you can make it lucrative for your customers. Sometimes, this pricing strategy diverts customers to buy a product that they were not intended to buy.

How to Add Products on Sale: Step-by-Step Guideline

To add products to the sale category you need to follow these steps:

Step-1: Editing a Product

To add a product on sale, first, you need to go to the “Products” section of the dashboard.

In the “All Products” section, you can view all the products that are available in your store. Decide on the products that you want to make available for sale in your store. Select products that you have decided to offer at sale prices. To select a product, click on the left boxes placed near the product images.

Change the option from “Bulk Actions” → “Edit” on the left-sided top box.

Do not forget to press the “Apply” button. 

selecting products for editing

After this, you will be redirected to the “Products Data” page automatically.

Step-2: Adding Discounted Price

In the “Product Data” section, you will find “Sale” in the second box. Click on the box. Change it to the last option, which is “Set to regular price decreased by a fixed amount or percentage.” 

After selecting this option, another box will be visible with the (Enter sale price $) title. Enter the percentage you want to apply for the products. It will automatically calculate the price according to the percentage.

 Finally, you need to “update” the product data from there as well. To do this, you just need to click the “Update button” on the left side of the product data section.

 That’s it! You have set discounted prices for your desired products.

How to Display On-Sale Products on the Home Page

As you have already set sale prices on your products, now it’s your turn to show them on the home page.

Usually, the updated products with discounted prices will automatically appear on the home page and shop page, but they will not follow any order or structure.

To, show the products on the home page with an order or in your preferred way you need an additional plugin. And, to do this I will undoubtedly recommend the “ProductX” plugin, which is the complete and best solution for any WooCommerce Store. 

ProductX is now WowStore! We’re very excited to bring you this experience, packed with unique features. Please note that the features, blocks, starter packs, etc. all work the same. If you have used ProductX, you’ll feel right at home with WowStore.

To display on-sale products on the home page you need to follow these steps:

Step-1: Creating a Home Page with WooBuilder

So, after installing the “ProductX” plugin, you will find a “WooBuilder” inside the plugin, click on that option, and it will reach you to the builder section. The best thing about the builder is you can design any page from this builder with tons of pre-made templates or from scratch.

As we are going to show sale products on the homepage, we will select the “Home page” option in the builder. After entering the home page section, first, you need to click on the “+Create Home Page Template’ then you will see two options. You can either start from scratch or pre-made templates.

creating custom homepage with woo builder

So, I am starting with pre-made templates of ProductX

Step-02: Selecting a Block from Templates to Show On-Sale Products

As I have picked one of ProductX’s pre-made home page templates, you can see that the templates are built with ProductX’s different blocks. So, select the grid or list by which you want to show on-sale products.

productx product templates

Now, go to the block settings on the right side, scroll down and you will find another option, which is “Product sort”. 

Step-03: Product Sorting to Display On-Sale Products

Clicking on “Product sort” will open multiple product sorting options. Now, scroll down and you will get “Product status”, select “On Sale” from the three statuses.

product sorting to show on sale products

You can reorder the on-sale products based on different criteria (Ex. Date, Title, Price, etc.) from the “Order by” option of the same setting.

Do not forget to press the “Publish” button to set this as your home page.

Now, you can see how on-sale products are appearing on your home page:

How to Create a WooCommerce On-Sale Product Page

Displaying on-sale products on a specific sale page, we need to create a custom sale page first.

To create an on-sale page, you need to go to the “Pages” section of the dashboard. From there, click on “Add new page”. Then, name that page with “On-Sale Products” or anything of your preferences.

After that, there are two actions you need to take to show your store’s on-sale products on this page. The actions you need to perform:

  1. Adding a Block to show your products.
  2. Product sorting to display on-sale products.

1. Adding a Block to Show Products

As we have already created a custom on-sale products page, now we will add a block to show our on-sale products. ProductX offers a huge range of product-showing blocks, pick any of your preferred blocks from the product-showing block.

I have taken “Product Grid #1” to show my on-sale products, you can choose any block that you want.

adding product block to on sale page

2. Product Sorting to Display On-sale Products

Clicking on “Product sort” will open multiple product sorting options. Now, scroll down and you will get “Product status”, select “On Sale” from the three statuses.

product sorting for on sale products page

You can reorder the on-sale products based on different criteria (Ex. Date, Title, Price, etc.) from the “Order by” option of the same setting.

Do not forget to press the “Publish” button to set this as your home page.

Now, you can see how on-sale products appear on your sales page.


Any store’s on-sale products are important since they increase AOV, improve sales, and draw customers’ attention in every manner.

ProductX with its on-sale store-friendly features makes your store perfect and appealing to your customers.

Hope, you have an amazing experience working with ProductX!

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