We’re very excited to share the Crypto News Layout – ready for use at this very moment.
WPXPO is proud to introduce its brand new Crypto News layout, highly suitable for news writers and bloggers focusing on the latest trends and practices in the cryptocurrency space.
As with all the latest layout packs, this layout pack for PostX offers some extensive design features. If you’re passionate about the world of crypto and want to help the world with the way things work in the virtual currency world, this layout is the perfect option for you.
Here are some of the key features you can take into consideration for this layout.
Special Features of the Crypto News Layout
As always, with all the starter layout packs for PostX, you can enjoy the following features:
The 1-click Layout Import
It’s one of the core features of the Crypto News layout. Like all other layout packs in the PostX library, all you have to do is import the layout pack from the library.

That’s it.
There’s no need to do anything else [Maybe perhaps a few tweaking of the headings here and there]. All your posts will be ready for the eyes of the reader.
Note: Just a quick tip before you can start importing the new layout pack. Notice the synchronize button in the block library? Click on it to get all the latest starter layout packs to use on your website.
Also, make sure to use the latest version of PostX to use this Pro starter pack.
Clean and Punchy Design Language
The design for the Crypto News layout is clean, yet there is a certain flair about the design, offering a punchy outlook as a whole.
It is a combination of the post grid, lists, and modules. Each individual section offers a unique look at the crypto world. There are dedicated sections where you can showcase the featured crypto news, the latest happenings in the world of crypto, and showcase essential press releases as well.

You can use the advanced query feature of each block to select the specific posts you want to showcase in each individual section. Furthermore, you can add AJAX filtering to allow users to jump from one currency news to another.
This way, you are offering essential news to the users in a way they can feel comfortable while browsing through the wonderful content you craft for them.
On-point Usability
From the site owner’s perspective, usability is one of the key aspects of consideration when using a using any layout pack.
Fortunately, like all layout packs in the PostX library, the crypto news layout can offer an excellent user experience. Once you start using it, you will be able to feel the fluid nature of the layout.
Also, from a design perspective, you are open to plenty of new features. You are the artist, and PostX is offering all the essential tools for your success.
You can take your design to a granular level, where you can change everything from the typography to the margin and padding of certain sections. Furthermore, you can play around with the advanced settings for each individual block to further increase the outlook of your overall design.
Who Should Use This Layout Pack?
Cryptocurrency is slowly taking over the world. The world is slowly learning about the efficient nature of crypto, a more than good enough reason to start your crypto news site today!
However, not everyone is on-board with this idea.
Maybe you can come up with unique ways to educate people about the positive sides of crypto. Maybe you can explain to the world about crypto banking and mining trends, offering them unique insights about what to expect.
If you wish to take up the mantle to educate the uninitiated, then the crypto news starter layout is an excellent choice for you.
Final Thoughts
Make sure to stay tuned for other incoming updates to PostX. We are working on some excellent new features. You may want to stay up to date with the latest version of PostX. The crypto news layout is just a starting point.
What new features do you want to see in the PostX plugin? Sound off in the comments below.