How to Create and Customize WooCommerce Checkout Page Template with ProductX

  • By: Ruhul
  • Updated:
WooCommerce Checkout Page

The checkout page is very customizable, which can be helpful in various contexts. For example, increasing your WooCommerce store’s conversion rate is as simple as tweaking the checkout experience to better suit your needs. It’s great news for everyone when there are more conversions since it means more money for everyone.

This tutorial will explain why altering your shopping cart’s look and feel is crucial. We’ll go through some tips for improving the WooCommerce checkout process as a whole.

Get more people to buy from your store and reduce cart abandonment.

Today we will show you how you can create and customize WooCommerce checkout pages in a very easy way.

What Is a Checkout Page in WooCommerce?

When using WooCommerce, the payment and shipping information is entered on the checkout page. Users may enter their payment information and finish their purchases.

The purchasing process can’t end until this last step is completed. Thus you must make it as easy as possible for them to do so.

If the purchasing process is easy, more people will buy. It’s that simple.

Why Should You Customize WooCommerce Checkout Page?

Customers’ last stop before completing a transaction is the checkout page. It might be the deciding factor in whether or not they purchase from your site.

Therefore, your WooCommerce checkout page must be aesthetically pleasing and functionally sound to maximize sales. You can improve the experience in several ways, including:

  • Customizing the checkout page template
  • Putting together a one-page checkout
  • Adding, removing, or moving fields
  • Automatically starting free shipping
  • Linking products straight to the checkout page

The essential thing is that you can make whatever changes you want to the default page. ProductX provides you with many viable alternatives.

How to Create and Customize WooCommerce Checkout Page Template with ProductX

ProductX is now WowStore! We’re very excited to bring you this experience, packed with exciting features. Please note that the features, blocks, starter packs, etc. all work the same. If you have used ProductX, you’ll feel right at home with WowStore.

ProductX’s newest addition, “WooCommerce Builder,” can help you to create and customize different templates like the checkout page. In this detailed guide, you will learn how to customize the look of WooCommerce checkout pages without technical know-how.

Video Tutorial

Before we go on with the process, we have also made a video of it. You can check the video for a visual understanding.

Video: How to Create & Customize WooCommerce Checkout Page Template using ProductX

Step 1: Install and Activate ProductX

First, install and activate ProductX. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing so:

Install ProductX
Install ProductX
  • Open the Plugins menu in the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Now install the plugin by clicking the “Add New” option.
  • Type “ProductX” into the search bar and then hit the “Install” button.
  • Click the “Activate” button after you’ve installed the ProductX plugin.

Step 2: Turn on the Builder

After installing ProductX, you need to activate the Builder. To turn it on, you need to:

Turn on WooCommerce Builder Addon
Turn on WooCommerce Builder Addon
  • Go to ProductX from the WordPress dashboard.
  • Select the Addons Tab
  • Enable the Builder via the toggle option.

Step 3: Create Checkout Page Template

After turning on the Builder, you have to create a checkout page. To do that:

Creating Checkout Page
Creating Checkout Page
  • Go to ProductX from the WordPress dashboard.
  • Select the Builder tab.
  • Select Add checkout.
  • Select Start from scratch (if you want to make it from scratch) or Import a template (if you want a premade template).

And you’re done with creating a WooCommerce Checkout Page Template.

Step 4: Arrange WooCommerce Checkout Page 

You have made the template for the Checkout page. Now you have to set it up. First, plan your WooCommerce Checkout page by adding a few blocks with the help of this guide. 

Checkout Page Blocks
Checkout Page Blocks

To make the process easy for everyone, we have given a specific section dedicated to the required blocks. Which are:

  • Coupon
  • Billing Address
  • Shipping Address
  • Additional Information
  • Checkout Login
  • Payment Method
  • Order Review

You can design your checkout page however you want with these blocks.

Step 5: Customize WooCommerce Checkout Page Template

You’ve already created and designed the category page, so we’ll move on to modifications now. Therefore, let’s not lose time and go to the customizing options.

By default, when you create a checkout page with ProductX, the blocks give you various customization options. So, let’s discover what customization ProductX has for its blocks.

Checkout Login

This is a login field for returning customers with the remember me checkbox.

Checkout Login Block Settings
Checkout Login Block Settings

Here you’ll find the following customization settings:

  • Toggle Text (Settings to customize every sort of typography)
  • Label (Change the color and size of labels)
  • Input Fields (Change color, background, and typography for both normal and focused view)
  • Button (Change the color and size of buttons)
  • Description (change the typographies of the description)
  • Remember the checkbox (Customize the color and typographies)
  • Field Container (Change the background and borders)
  • Advanced (Input additional CSS classes)

Billing Address

This is the usual billing address field with a lot of customizations.

Billing Address Block Settings
Billing Address Block Settings

Here you’ll find the following customization settings:

  • General (Show/Hide title)
  • Billing Title (Change texts, colors, and other typographies)
  • Label (Change the color and size of labels)
  • Input Fields (Change color, background, and typography for both normal and focused view)
  • Field Container (Change the background and borders)
  • Advanced (Input additional CSS classes)

Shipping Address

If you have a shipping address other than billing, there’s a clickable checkbox to show the input fields for this block.

Shipping Address Blocks Settings
Shipping Address Blocks Settings

Here you’ll find the following customization settings:

  • General (Show/Hide title)
  • Shipping Title (Change texts, colors, and other typographies)
  • Ship to Different Address checkbox (Change texts, colors, and other typographies of the tickbox)
  • Label (Change the color and size of labels)
  • Input Fields (Change color, background, and typography for both normal and focused view)
  • Field Container (Change the background and borders)
  • Advanced (Input additional CSS classes)

Additional Information

It is a Textarea field for customers to add additional notes for their purchases or deliveries.

Additional Information Block Settings
Additional Information Block Settings

Here you’ll find the following customization settings:

  • General (Turn on/off Title)
  • Title (Change the text, color, background, and other typographies)
  • Label (Change the color and size of labels)
  • Text Area Field (Change color, background, and typography for both normal and focused view)
  • Field Container (Change the background and borders)
  • Advanced (Input additional CSS classes)

Order Review

It is a common block to show the review your cart option to the customers.

Order Review Block Settings
Order Review Block Settings

Here you’ll find the following customization settings:

  • General (Turn on/off the Section Title Option)
  • Section Title (Change the text, color, alignment, and other typographies)
  • Table Heading (Change the text and other typographies of the headings of this block)
  • Table Body (Change the typographies of the body of this block)
  • Total (Change the typography of the total part of this block)
  • Field Container (Change the background and borders)
  • Advanced (Input additional CSS classes)


It is a block to input discount codes/coupons.

Coupon Block Settings
Coupon Block Settings

Here you’ll find the following customization settings:

  • Coupon Heading (Change the text and other typographies of the headings of this block)
  • Coupon Body (Change the typographies of the body of this block)
  • Input Fields (Change color, background, and typography for both normal and focused view)
  • Coupon Button (Change positions, texts, and other typographies)
  • Advanced (Input additional CSS classes)

Payment Method

It is the usual block to show the payment system but with a handful of customization.

Payment Method Block Settings
Payment Method Block Settings

Here you’ll find the following customization settings:

  • General (Turn on/off the Section Title Option)
  • Section Title (Change the text, color, alignment, and other typographies)
  • Checkbox & Label (Change color, background, and typographies)
  • Body content (Change the typographies of the body contents of this block)
  • Button (Change the color and size of buttons)
  • Description (change the typographies of the description)
  • Field Container (Change the background and borders)
  • Advanced (Input additional CSS classes)

So, as you can see, the new ProductX Dynamic Site Builder has made things easier and more customizable for the site owners to create a user-friendly checkout page for the users. 


Though WooCommerce is great for online stores, the default customization isn’t the best for customers.

Optimizing the checkout page with ProductX is possible no matter your expertise or the number of items you offer for sale.

Given its importance as the last purchase stage, this action requires careful attention. However, it is well worth reducing the number of abandoned carts and increasing the number of successful transactions.

However, don’t just customize your WooCommerce checkout page, but also on making your product pages stand out.

Feel free to explore our YouTube Channel to find useful videos. Also, let’s connect on Facebook and Twitter for exciting updates!

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Written byRuhul

Ruhul is a technical and SEO-driven content writer, a tech enthusiast, and a pro gamer. He loves exploring new things and has written over 1,500 articles on diverse topics.

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