
= 4.1.16 – 16 October 2024 =
Fix: Advanced Filter Block issues raised by patchstack site.
= 4.1.15 – 15 October 2024 =
Fix: Block render issue with Gutenberg plugin
= 4.1.14 – 30 September 2024 =
Fix: CSS file delete issue
Fix: Broken Link in Image Block
= 4.1.13 – 30 September 2024 =
Fix: CSS file delete issue
Fix: Broken Link in Image Block
= 4.1.12 – 24 September 2024 =
Update: Site Builder performance optimization
= 1.6.7 – 2 September 2024 (PRO) =
Update: Speed Optimization
= 4.1.11 – 2 September 2024 =
Update: Speed Optimization
= 4.1.11 – 2 September 2024 =
Update: Speed Optimization
= 4.1.10 – 13 August 2024 =
Fix: CSS render issue in widget area
= 4.1.9 – 12 August 2024 =
New: Dynamic Content Add-on
Fix: Compatibility with Block Visibility plugin
Fix: Empty author link issue in Grid blocks
Fix: Global styles not saving with the post
Fix: Poor Block icon visibility when a block selected in list view and quick appender
Fix: Broken toolbar style when "Top Toolbar" is enabled
= 4.1.8 – 6 August 2024 =
Fix: Block CSS render issue in FSE theme
Fix: Issue with creating pattern of PostX plugin block
= 4.1.7 – 25 July 2024 =
Fix: Block is not rendering in widget area
Fix: Templatekits and Builder Condition is not working properly
= 4.1.6 – 26 June 2024 =
Update: Margin/Padding setting field improvement
Fix: Block settings field is now synced with responsive view
= 4.1.3 – 28 May 2024 =
Fix: Readmore button issue in Post Grid #1 block
= 4.1.2 – 27 May 2024 =
Fix: Custom Font Addon issue with file uploading
Update: Improved settings selection for blocks with Images
= 4.1.1 – 22 May 2024 =
Update: Updated Setup Wizard
= 4.1.0 – 19 May 2024 =
New: Advanced Post Pagination block
New: Advanced Post Filter block
Update: Revamped block settings
= 4.0.4 – 24 April 2024 =
Fix: Pattern block is not working inside Row/Column block
= 4.0.3 – 22 April 2024 =
New: Sports Template - SP Portal
New: Blog Template - Qubit
New: Gaming Template - Grand Gaming
New: Saved Template duplicate option added
Fix: Post query not working properly for sticky posts
Fix: Video Popup issue from daily-moition video source
Fix: Responsive device option in working properly in settings panel
Fix: Multiselect field issue in Front End Post Submission addon settings 
Fix: Broken design of Post Slider 2 block when previewing in mobile device on editor
New: Option added to show either featured video or featured image when both are attached to a post in Post Featured Image/Video block
= 4.0.2 – 3 April 2024 =
Fix: Block attribute sanitize and escaping, issue raised by patchstack site and Dmitrii from cleantalk site.
Fix: Below Spacing issue in Post Slider 1 block
Fix: Image overlay issue after disabling navigation in Next Previous Block
Fix: Dot hover color and count with issue in Taxonomy block
Fix: Small and large post excerpt individual settings in Post Module 2 block
Fix: Large image spacing issue in Post Module 1 block
Fix: Large and small item category appearance issue in Post List 2 block
New: Image srcset and custom size option added in Post Featured Image and Image Block
New: News Template – NFTNews
New: Blog Template – FitTalk
New: Magazine Template – Magazino
= 4.0.1 – 27 March 2024 =
Fix: Additional css class field option is not working
Fix: PHP warning in Dark Logo
= 4.0.0 – 25 March 2024 =
New: Starter Sites
New: News Sites Templates
New: Magazine Sites Templates
New: Travel Blog Templates
New: Fashion Blog Templates
New: Global Setting for controlling site color and typography
New: Social Icon block
New: Dark Light Switcher block
= 3.2.4 – 12 March 2024 =
Fix: REST API capability updated
Fix: Data sanitize and escaping issue
= 3.2.3 – 04 March 2024 =
Fix: Single page template css is not being saved properly on Full Site Editing theme 
= 3.2.2 – 05 February 2024 =
Fix: Custom Font variation saving issue
= 1.6.5 – 15 January 2024 (PRO) =
Update: Performance Improved
= 3.2.1 – 15 January 2024 =
Fix: Taxonomy letter spacing issue in Post Slider #2 block.
Update: Performance Improved
Update: Pagination support for Query Source custom selections and specific posts.
= 3.2.0 – 25 December 2023 =
Fix: PostX Taxonomy Blocks rendering issue on single posts
Fix: PostX Breadcrumb Block attribute issue
Fix: Specific SVG logo optimization issue
= 1.6.4 – 24 December 2023 (PRO) =
Fix: SVG logo issue
= 1.6.3 – 29 November 2023 (PRO) =
Fix: Bold and Italic Format Conflict With Front End Post Submission Issue Fixed
= 3.1.9 – 26 November 2023 =
Fix: Post Content Block link Color issue
= 1.6.1 – 24 November 2023 (PRO) =
Fix: The link you followed has expired Issue Fixed
= 3.1.8 – 23 November 2023 =
Fix: Front End Post Submission Compatibility with FSE themes
= 1.6.0 – 23 November 2023 (Pro) =
New: Front End Post Submission Addon Added
= 3.1.7 – 23 November 2023 =
Fix: Post Breadcrumb Home text translating issue 
Fix: Compatibility with Kadence Testimonial Block
Fix: Post Grid 3 Block Loadmore issue in the Frontend
Fix: Added Polish language support in the ChatGPT Addon
Fix: Single Post Builder post repetition issue in Loadmore 
Fix: PostX Compatibility with PHP 8.1.12 and WordPress 6.4.1
Update: PostX Blocks automatically displayed YouTube thumbnails as featured images
Update: Common color and typography settings for the Post Social Share and Advanced Post Meta Site Builder blocks
= 3.1.6 – 13 November 2023 =
Fix: Compatibility of PostX WPBakery Addon with WPBakery Page Builder
Fix: Row/Column Block Column justify alignment responsiveness
=1.5.9 – 18 October 2023 (Pro) =
Update: Addons documentation URL Updated
= 3.1.5 – 18 October 2023 =
Fix: Compatibility of PostX Site Builder with Divi and Elementor builders
Fix: Single Post Builder conflict within the taxonomy related quick query and pagination.
Fix: Post repetition issue in Single Post Builder within other blocks, with Pagination and Filter
Update: Added z-index setting option in column block for more precise control over element layering

= 3.1.4 – 11 October 2023 =
Fix: Pagination issue when duplicating the block into another page
= 1.5.8 – 8 October 2023 (Pro) =
Fix: Data sanitize and escaping issue Fixed
= 3.1.2 – 21 September 2023 =
Fix: Pagination issue.
= 1.5.7 – 19 September 2023 (PRO)=
Fix: Deprecated issue with PHP latest version 
= 1.5.6 – 18 September 2023 (PRO)=
Fix: Getting error in plugin update page
= 3.1.1 – 18 September 2023 =
Fix: Row , Button Group , List - PostX blocks compatibility issue with Firefox browser
Fix: Next Previous button issue in pagination
Fix: Broken border radius in Post Grid 1 and Post Module 1 block
Update: Improvement in pagination, loadMore and filter ajax actions
= 1.5.5 – 10 September 2023 (PRO) =
Fix: Search - PostX block issue fixed
= 3.1.0 – 10 September 2023 =
Fix: PostX Search Block box shadow issue
Fix: Post Social Share Blocks RTL Support issue
Fix: Taxonomy Block icon issue in Design Library
Update: Link options added in Button Group Block
Update: Child hide option added in Post Breadcrumb Block
Update: Post Type Exclude option added in Search - PostX Block
Update: Japanese Date format added in Advanced Post Meta block
= 3.0.9 – 4 September 2023 =
New: Header Builder
New: Footer Builder
New: 404 Page Builder
= 3.0.8 – 29 Aug 2023 =
New: FSE theme support
Fix: PHP warning in multiTaxonomy query
Fix: Search Icon Alignment & left/right position Issue Fixed
= 3.0.7 – 14 Aug 2023 =
New: Dynamic Search Block 
New: List Block Bullet Alignment Option Added
New: Archive Title Block Prefix on Top Option Added
Fix: Taxonomy Fallback Image Issue
Fix: Saved Template Option Should be Minimize Even if You Click Outside
Fix: Video Popup ESC button Issue
Fix: Post Grid 2 Loadmore is showing instead of Pagination Issue
Fix: Translating Filter Issue
Fix: Color Picker Broken Issue
Fix: PostX & PostX Pro Plugin Name Inconsistency Issue
Fix: Table of Content Open Close Issue
Fix: Post Grid 3: Layout 5 Typography Issue         
Fix: Blocks Full Width issue inside block editor
= 3.0.6 – 31th July 2023 =
Fix: Data escaping issue
= 3.0.5 – 27th July 2023 =
New: Bricks Builder Addon Added
= 3.0.4 – 18th July 2023 =
Fix: ChatGPT icon issue
Fix: Condition label issue in site builder
= 1.5.4 – 12 July 2023 =
Update: Progressbar issue
= 3.0.2 – 10th July 2023 =
Fix: License page issue for new user
Fix: Php Warning inside builder
= 1.5.3 – 9 July 2023 [PRO] =
Update: Dashboard UI
= 3.0.0 – 9th July 2023 =
Update: Dashboard UI
= 2.9.13 – 26 June 2023 =
New: Banner Removed From Dashboard
= 2.9.12 – 25 June 2023 =
New: Beaver Builder Builder Addon Added
= 2.9.11 – 22 June 2023 =
New: Divi Builder Addon
= 1.5.2 – 22 June 2023 =
Fix: License System Updated
= 2.9.10 – 19 June 2023 =
New: ChatGPT Addon
= 2.9.9 – 14 June 2023 =
Fix: Template Kits Alignment issue
Fix: Category Color Override issue
= 2.9.8 – 11 June 2023 =
Fix: Ajax pagination issue on scrolling
Fix: Image full width issue in Archive Title block
Fix: Issue with View count in Advanced Post Meta block
Fix: Issue with Comment count in Post Comment Count block
Fix: Compatibility issue with PublishPress Revisions plugin
Fix: Image height issue with anchor tag in Image block in Twenty Twenty Two theme
Fix: Video height and Image border radius issue in Post Featured Image/Video block
Update: New unit rem added
Update: Updated Google Fonts
Update: Memory optimization improved
Update: Dynamic caption in Featured Image/Video block
Update: Premade Patterns added on toolbar for Button and List - PostX block
= 2.9.7 – 25 May 2023 =
New: List Block Feature
Fix: Default font weight issue in typography
Fix: Post Content Block Css Issue in Builder Template
= 2.9.6 – 22 MAY 2023 =
Update: Postx Banner Updated
Update: Feature Image/Video Support in Custom Post Type
Fix: Post Slider 1 Mobile Responsive Issue
Fix: Single Post Builder Post Repetition Issue
= 2.9.5 – 18 MAY 2023 =
Fix: Php function parameter deprecated issues fixed
= 2.9.4 – 17 May 2023 =
New: Button Block Feature
New: Dynamic icon Control Option 
Fix: Row Column and Wrapper Block compatibility issue
Fix: Slider 1, 2 Arrow icon background color issue fixed
Fix: Unique content not working properly on Archive Builder
= 1.5.0 – 10 May 2023 =
Fix: Custom Font  Feature
= 2.9.3 – 10 May 2023 =
New: Custom Font Addon
= 2.9.2 – 17 APRIL 2023 =
Update: Dashboard Banner Updated
= 1.4.9 – 3 April 2023 (PRO) =
Fix: WordPress 6.1.2 Compatibility Checking 
= 2.9.0 – 3 April 2023 (FREE) =
Fix: WordPress 6.1.2 Compatibility Issue
Fix: Favicon issue with Twenty Twenty Three theme
Fix: Issue with saving attributes in the Row Block
Fix: Table of Contents block compatibility issue with default group block
Fix: Removed meta value number option from the query builder in Archive Builder
Fix: Advanced navigation block of Essential Blocks Plugin CSS broken issue
Fix: CSS Missing Issue in  Newspaper theme Widget Area
Fix: has_post_thumbnail function removed from Image Conditions
Update: Builder Template Copy Option Added
Update: Taxonomy Block Siblings Visible Option
Update: rem CSS unit added to Typography Control
Update: Image alt attribute value updated by dynamic image attribute value.
Update: A search field has been added to the taxonomy value select box
Update: Text control for No results found added in every block
Update: Option added to the Post Social Share block to disable sticky position when the footer appears
Update: New Upgraded Look for all Post List Block
Update: Large Post and small Post Excerpt Control Separated in Post List Block
= 1.4.8 – 16 March 2023 (PRO) =
Fix: Security Issue Fixed
= 2.8.9 – 16 March 2023 (FREE) =
Fix: Unique content not working properly on ajax pagination
Fix: Filter and Pagination functionality issues
Fix: Pagination not functioning properly in Kadence element
Fix: Reusable block not functioning properly
Fix: Fixed width issue with images in Post Grid 1 Block
Fix: Missing ID issue in Post Slider 1 and Post Slider 2 Block
Fix: ALT attribute of image not functioning properly in Post Featured Image Block
Fix: Table of Content Block not working properly in Container Block of Spectra Plugin
Fix: String translations issue
= 2.8.8 – 1 MARCH 2023 (FREE) =
New: Block for Row Column feature
Fix: Issue with deprecated Elementor hook
Fix: Compatibility issue with Gutenberg Plugin
Fix: Pagination not functioning properly in the widget area
Fix: Image resolution issue in Author Block
Fix: Removed default value for the number of posts in Tablet and Mobile view
= 2.8.6 – 24 JANUARY 2023 (FREE) =
Fix: Broken design of sticky header in Sydney theme
Fix: Broken design of typography control on block editor in Sydney theme
Fix: Broken design of non-ajax pagination
Update: Functionality improvement of Front Page builder
Update: New control added for showing the maximum number of category
Update: Updated design for Templatekits
Update: Premade design importing system for singular builder added on editor
= 2.8.4 – 8 JANUARY 2023 (PRO) =
New: Post Feature Image/Video Block in Post Builder
New: Support Post Feature Video Modal Within Post Block
New: Support Post Feature Video Modal Within Post Block
Fix: Title animation color issue in Archive Title Block
= 2.8.4 – 8 JANUARY 2023 (FREE) =
New: Post Dynamic Fallback Image Feature
New: Post Image Size Control Options
New: Tag option added for Title in Taxonomy Block
New: Large image size option added in Taxonomy Block
New: Four filter hook postx_loop_author_image_only, postx_loop_author_image, postx_loop_author_icon and postx_loop_author_by added for showcasing extra author
New: Filter hook postx_loop_maximum_taxonomy added for maximum number of Category
Update: Responsive device preview added
Fix: Taxonomy query is not working properly when query type is selected as Child Of in Taxonomy   Block
Fix: Duplicate Separator show toggle in Post Grid Blocks
Fix: Blocks drag and drop issue in Editor
Fix: Quick query isn't working properly in widget section
= 2.8.3 – 28 DECEMBER 2022 =
New: Google Font disable option added
New: Search option added on premade patterns
Fix: Reusable Block not working properly
Fix: External Comment Block not working inside our site builder
Fix: Saved Template issues with King Composer page builder
Fix: Parent category is not visible in Post Breadcrumb Block
Fix: Post meta hover color not working
Fix: Ajax pagination issue in site builder
Fix: Kadence element css issue
Fix: Duplicate prefix show toggle in Archive Title Block
Fix: Missing typography in Post List 3 Block
Fix: Broken unit design on hover effect
Fix: Broken design of Get Pro and Copy Pattern button
Fix: Premade Pattern icon and text overlay issue
Update: Update notice design
= 2.8.2 – 11 DECEMBER 2022 =
New: Post Grid 5 Layout 3 Release
New: Post Grid 7 Layout 4 Release
Fix: PostX Builder Template And PostX Post Template fullwidth Theme Compatibility Issue
= 2.8.1 – 7 DECEMBER 2022 =
New: Dashboard setup wizard
Fix: Saved Template issues with Elementor
Fix: Category, Authors, Tags, Date and Search Result template list doesn’t appear in Site Builder
Fix: Layout issue in Post Grid 5 Block
Fix: News Ticker Block issue
Fix: Attribute error issue in Social Share Block
Fix: Broken animation in Post List 1 Block
Fix: Broken slider design in Post Slider 1 Block using shortcode
Update: Viewport Unit added in Post Slider 1
= 2.8.0 – 24 NOVEMBER 2022 =
Fix: Post List #3 Layout 4 And 5 Full Width And Inner Content Style Issue
Fix: Post List #2 And Post List #4 Image Width Issue
Fix: Post Comment Block Spelling Issue
Fix: PostX Template Full Width Issue
= 1.4.5 – 24 November 2022 (PRO) =
* Fix: Post Block Post List #2, List #3 And List #4 Image Width Issue Fixed
= 1.4.4 – 16 NOVEMBER 2022 (PRO) =
New: Post Block Post Slider #2 With Dynamic Layout
= 2.7.8 – 10 NOVEMBER 2022 =
Fix: str_contains Syntax Error in PHP Older Version Issue
= 1.4.2 – 02 November 2022 (PRO) =
* Fix: Builder Author Box Blocks Issue.
* Update: WordPress 6.1 Compatibility Check.
= 2.7.7 – 02 November 2022 =
* Fix: Author Box Blocks Issue.
* Fix: Upgrade Plugins Notice Issue.
* Update: WordPress 6.1 Compatibility Check.
= 2.7.6 – 23 OCTOBER 2022 =
Fix: Function Commenting Issue.
Fix: Notice Banner Issue.
Fix: PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” Issue
= 2.7.5 – 17 OCTOBER 2022 =
New: Copy Pattern Option Added in Template Kit.
Fix: PostX Template Notice in Block Based Theme Issue.
Fix: Unit and Responsive Device Open on Hover Issue.
Fix: Sort by View Issue.
Fix: Archive Title Block Improvement.
Fix: Child Spelling Issue.
= 2.7.4 – 28 SEPTEMBER 2022 =
Fix: PostX and ProductX Compatibility Issue.
Fix: Advanced Post Meta PHP Version 7.2 Compatibility Issue.
Fix: Post Social Share PHP Version 7.2 Compatibility Issue.
Fix: Archive Template PHP Version 5.6 Compatibility Issue.
= 2.7.3 – 27 SEPTEMBER 2022 =
Fix: Post Comment Blocks Syntax Error Issue
Fix: Category Filter Backend Post Show Issue.
Fix: Set Default value Archive Builder Query Issue.
Fix: Alignment Field Control Issue.
Fix: PostX Global Settings Multiple Button Showing Issue.
Fix: Empty Singular Template Showing Issue
= 2.7.2 – 26 SEPTEMBER 2022 =
New: WCAG 2.0 Support Add.
New: WordPress Default Date Format Option Added.
New: Private Post Status Support Add.
New: Image Slider Image Disable Option Added.
Fix: News Ticker Marquee Speed Control Issue.
Fix: Multiple Blocks Shows in Preference for Multiple Shortcode Use Issue.
Fix: Social Share Sticky Position Issue.
Fix: Order by: Menu Order Naming Issue.
Fix: Taxonomy Blocks Unlimited Number of Posts Issue.
Fix: Taxonomy Block Title Animation Color Issue.
Fix: Builders Create Singular Template Hierarchy Issue.
Fix: TwentyTwentyTwo Themes Image Block Height Issue.
Fix: Advance Post Meta Extra Margin Issue.
Fix: Mobile breakpoint default setting change to 767px Issue.
Fix: Post Grid 7 Pagination Margin Duplicate Issue.
Fix: Post Module Broken if Image not Found Issue.
Fix: Post Grid 1 Meta Alignment Issue.
Fix: Post Module 1 Box-Shadow Issue.
Fix: Setting URL Not Working In Plugin Page.
Update: Color Code Option Added in Settings Color Field.
= 2.7.1 – 19 SEPTEMBER 2022 =
Fix: PHP closing tag issue
= 2.7.0 – 19 SEPTEMBER 2022 =
New: Dynamic Site Builder (Single, Archive, Category, Tag, Date, Search)
New: New Block Archive Title Added
New: New Block Post Title Added
New: New Block Post Content Added
New: New Block Post Feature Image Added
New: New Block Post Breadcrumb Added
New: New Block Post Tag Added
New: New Block Post Category Added
New: New Block Post Next Previous Added
New: New Block Post Excerpt Added
New: New Block Post Author Box Added
New: New Block Post Comments Added
New: New Block Post View Count Added
New: New Block Post Reading Added
New: New Block Post Comment Count Added
New: New Block Post Author Meta Added
New: New Block Post Meta Added
New: New Block Post Social Share Added
New: New Block Advance Post Meta Added
= 2.7.0 – 19 SEPTEMBER 2022 =
New: Dynamic Site Builder (Single, Archive, Category, Tag, Date, Search)
New: New Block Archive Title Added
New: New Block Post Title Added
New: New Block Post Content Added
New: New Block Post Feature Image Added
New: New Block Post Breadcrumb Added
New: New Block Post Tag Added
New: New Block Post Category Added
New: New Block Post Next Previous Added
New: New Block Post Excerpt Added
New: New Block Post Author Box Added
New: New Block Post Comments Added
New: New Block Post View Count Added
New: New Block Post Reading Added
New: New Block Post Comment Count Added
New: New Block Post Author Meta Added
New: New Block Post Meta Added
New: New Block Post Social Share Added
New: New Block Advance Post Meta Added
= 2.6.6 – 28 JULY 2022 (FREE) =
New: New Toolbar Option Query, Layout, Design Library Added
New: Block Design Library Popup Added In Setting Panel
New: Live Preview Link, Documentation Link Added In Setting Panel
Fix: Taxonomy and Category Enable Disable Issue
Fix: Upgrade Button and Dashboard Topbar Changed
Fix: Remove Image Dependency From Image Field
Fix: Post List 3 Content Background Color Issue
= 1.3.1 – 28 JULY 2022 (PRO) =
Fix: WordPress Core 6.0.1 Compatibility
Fix: Dashboard and Setting Panel issue
= 2.6.5 – 21 JULY 2022 =
Fix: Heading Style 3 Border Issue
Fix: Setting Panel Space Issue with Otter Plugins
Fix: Post Block Column/Row/Separator Space Improved
Fix: Table Of Contents Compatibility Issue With Greenshift Plugin
Fix: Heading Block Title Html Entity Issue
Fix: Changelog Notification Show Aside From Plugin Status.
Fix: Some Pro Features From Post Grid (5,6,7). Post Module (1,2). Post list 4 are Now Converted To Free.
= 2.6.3 – 05 JULY 2022 =
New: Post List Four & Post Module Two Large Title Color Issue
New: Taxonomy Style One Content Title Alignment Field Added
Fix: Image Block Image Scale Field Error Fix
Fix: Field Depend Condition Value Issue
Fix: Post Module One & Module Two Image Style Control Section UX Improved
Fix: Post Module Two Image Radius Issue
Fix: Post Module Two Box Shadow Issue
Fix: PostX Template Container Width Issue Fix
Fix: Block Disable Option Compatibility Issue With Existing Block
Fix: Dashboard Topbar Background And Bell Color Updated
Fix: Query By Random Post Not working In Builder
Fix: Taxonomy Default Specific Background Color Issue
Fix: When Pro Plugin Active, Upgrade Button Will Be Remove Issue
Fix: Heading Style 7 left shape Color Issue
Fix: Tutorial Page Video Button Will be Remove Issue
= 2.6.1 – 26 JUNE 2022 =
New: News Ticker Block RTL Support
New: Custom Taxonomy View Instead of Category Option Added
New: Up Down Control Option Requested Feature in Specific & Custom Posts
New: Improve Post in Option for User Better Understanding
New: Improve Content Group Field for User Better Understanding
New: Cookies Storage Settings in Option Panel
New: Table of Contents Regenerate Anchor Button Added
Fix: Warning Issue from Web Server ( http_user_agent )
Fix: News Ticker Icon Broken Issue
Fix: Random Post Query Setting Not Working in Builder Issue
Fix: FileBird Plugin Compatibility Issue
Fix: Post Grid 1 Library Style 15 Typography Issue
Fix: Typography Uppercase Style Not Working Issue
Fix: Unit Value (px/%/em) not Working in Responsive Device Issue
Fix: Post Title Color and Hover Color Responsive Preview Issue
Fix: CSS Cashing Issue in File System
Fix: Image Block Radius Issue and Caption Style Not Working Issue.
Fix: News Ticker Override Issue Sticky top Position
Fix: Quick Query in Builder Related by Category/Tag will Display on top for Singe Post.= 2.6.0 – 19 JUNE 2022 =
New: Dashboard And Settings Page New Design
Fix: Progressbar Alignment in Elementor Issue
Fix: Mobile Responsive Filter Dropdown Issue
= 2.6.0 – 19 JUNE 2022 =
New: Dashboard And Settings Page New Design
Fix: Progressbar Alignment in Elementor Issue
Fix: Mobile Responsive Filter Dropdown Issue
= 2.5.9 – 6 JUNE 2022 =
New: Heading New Style Added
Fix: News Ticker Margin Issue
Fix: Post Grid Three Layout Five Loadmore Issue
Fix: Special Charecter Issue on Title Dropdown
Fix: Post List 4 Loadmore Issue
Fix: Wrapper Blocks Z-Index Issue
= 2.5.8 – 31 MAY 2022 (Free) =
Fix: Filter Dropdown Mobile View Not Hide After Click Outside Issue
Fix: News Ticker Block Title Extra Top Margin Removed
Fix: News Ticker Block Override in Dashboard bar when admin bar active.
Fix: Sanitize and Escaping Plugin Issue
Fix: Global Settings Editor Width Issue
Fix: Specific Post Compatibility Issue
Fix: Gradient Field Type Compatibility Issue
Fix: Editor Leave Without Edit Notification Issue
= 1.2.7 – 31 May 2022 (Pro) =
Fix: Data Sanitize Security Issue Fixed
Fix: Data Escaping Security Issue Fixed
2.5.7 – 24 MAY 2022
New: Search Popular Post by ID Feature Added
Fix: Table of Contents Extra Padding and Margin from Theme Issue
Fix: Gutenberg Widget Display Posts Issue
Fix: Gutenberg Image Blocks Unit Issue
Fix: Taxonomy Query Issue
Fix: Feature Slider Navigation Icon Issue
Update: Typography Field Type Theme Default Issue
2.5.4 – 17 MAY 2022
New: Custom Selection Post from Multiple Post Type in Query
New: Specific Post Selection in Query
New: Number of Posts for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile Separately
New: Custom Terms Selection in Query
New: Allow Sticky Posts Option in Query
New: Unique Posts in Query
New: Availability of Number of Post (In Mobile)
New: Specific Author Search in Query
New: Exclude Post Search in Query
New: Exclude Term in Query
New: Exclude Author in Query
New: Missing Fonts (500+ New Font Added)
New: Archive Template Sidebar Feature
New: Multiple Posts at a Time in Post Slider 1
New: Author Link Disable Feature
New: Typography Auto Transform Disable Option Added
Fix: Post Module Small Image Border Radius Issue
Update: Translation String Updated
2.5.3 – 20 APRIL 2022
New: Filter by Default Tab Highlight Feature Added
Fix: News Ticker Typewriter Effect Broken Issue
Fix: Filter Height CSS Issue
Fix: Active Class Override Issue
Fix: Save Template Color Issue
Fix: Post List #1 Filter Color Issue
Fix: Shortcode Save Issue
Fix: Post Filter Icon Color, Padding & Background Color Issue
2.5.2 – 12 April 2022
New: News Ticker Blocks Added
Fix: Post list 3 new layout design added
Fix: Post list 3 image scale adde
Fix: Post list 3 stack on mobile issue fix
Fix: Post list 1 image scale added
Fix: Post list 2 image scale added
Fix: Post list 4 image scale added
Fix: Post grid 1 image scale added
2.5.0 – 06 APRIL 2022
Update: ProductX compatibility added
2.5.0 – 06 APRIL 2022
New: Editor Speed Optimization
New: PostX Global Style Added
New: Change Appearance of all the Field Type
New: Global Theme Color Settings Added
New: Global Editor Width Option Change
New: Device Breakpoint Change Option Added
New: Group Button Field Added
Update: Field Unit is Reconfigured
Update: Devive Field is Reconfigured
Update: Optimize Settings for the Editor
Update: Table of Contents Issue Fixed
2.4.25 – 20 MAR 2022
Fix: Heading Blocks Default padding issue
Fix: Taxonomy Blocks Layout5 issue
Fix: Post List 3 mobile issue
Fix: Table of Contents Special Characters and numbers Issue
2.4.24 – 10 March 2022
New: German and Switzerland Date Format Added
Fix: DIVI Builder Shortcode Preview Issue
Fix: Remove Sticky Post from Latest Posts
Fix: Pagination Duplicate Post Issue
Fix: Table of Contents Anchor Link Issue
Fix: Table of Contents Compatibility Issue
Fix: License Page Logo Broken Issue
Fix: Reusable Blocks Font Family Issue
Fix: Elementor Builder Shortcode Preview Issue
Fix: Live Preview Broken Frontend Issue
Fix: Builder Include Post by ID Issue
2.4.23 – 27 FEB 2022
Fix: Notice Disable Issue
2.4.22 – 20 FEB 2022
New: German Date Format Added
New: Filter Mobile Dropdown Menu Disable Option Added
New: All Query Settings is Enable in Builder
Fix: Blocks in Widget Not Working Issue
Fix: Multiple Category Spacing Issue
2.4.21 – 8 FEB 2022
New: Meta Author By Text Change
New: Date and Time Format for Meta Elements
Fix: Filter Responsive Mobile Menu Text Issue
Fix: Gutenberg Device Preview Broken Issue
Fix: Table of Contents Spelling Mistake Issue
Fix: Post List #3 Images Issue
Fix: post List 2,3,4 Mobile Responsive Setting Issue
Fix: Post Grid #1 Advanced Style Layout Image Issue
Fix: Some Text Domain Name Issue
Fix: Show Full Except Issue
Fix: Block Library Import in Archive builder Issue
2.4.20 – 25 JANUARY 2022
Fix: Color Field Design Issue
Update: “Twenty Twenty-Two” Theme Compatibility Issue
Update: WordPress 5.9 Core Compatibility Issue
22.4.19 – 19 JANUARY 2021
Fix: Post Grid 1 Big Image Size & Small Image Size Issue
Fix: DIVI Theme Shortcode Display Issue
Fix: Small Feature Image Radius Issue
Fix: Post List 2, Post List 3, Post List 4 Responsive Issue
Fix: Post Grid 4, Post Grid 5, Post Grid 6, Post Grid 7 Responsive Issue
Fix: Filter Dropdown Responsive Issue
Fix: Sub-Category Separator Dropdown Issue
Fix: Offset in Pagination Posts Page Count Issue
Fix: Load more Button and Other Accessibility Issue
Fix: Builder Addon Not Working on Multisite Issue
Fix: Load more Design Broken in Safari Browser
2.4.18 – 27 DECEMBER 2021
New: Post List #1 Four Different Layouts Added
New: Post List #1 Three Different Styles Added
New: Mobile Dropdown Title Field Added in Filter
New: Table of Content Fetch Data from PostX Heading and Inner Column
Fix: Banner Removed from Dashboard
Fix: Shortcode gutenberg_post_blocks Name Changed to postx_template
Fix: Background Color Popup Issue
Fix: WooCommerce Shop Page Conflict Issue
Update: Related Post Query Specify for Single Page
Update: “Table of Contents” Name Changed to “Table of Content”
2.4.16 – 22 November 2021
New: 4 grid style add for Post Grid #1
Fix: Post Grid 1 Layout Issue
Fix: Post Sliders Arrow RTL Issue
Fix: Paginations Load More Animation Alignment Issue
Update: PostX Templates Comment Option
2.4.15 – 10 November 2021
New: Title Hover Animation
New: Lazy Load Enable/Disable Feature
New: Reading Time Meta Translate 
Fix: Next Previous Pagination Issue
Fix: Image Size Not Working Issue
2.4.14 – 27 OCTOBER 2021
New: Gutenberg Blocks Support in Widget
New: Preset Color Added in Color Blocks
Fix: Initialization Notice Issue
Fix: Shortcode Support in Widget Area
Fix: Filtering in Backend Issue
Fix: Table of Content Anchors SEO Issue
Fix: Heading Style 7 Issue
Update: Posts Per Page Limit Increased
Update: Srcset Added in Every Image
Fix: Progressbar Z-Index Issue
Fix: Progressbar Show in Homepage Issue
2.4.13 – 07 OCTOBER 2021
New: New Reading Progress Bar Addon Released
Fix: Fix: Related Post Query Issue
2.4.12 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2021
New: Speed Optimization in New Version
New: Stackable Support Added in Table Of Content
New: Kadence Blocks Support Added in Table Of Content
New: Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg Support Added in Table Of Content
New: PostX Heading Support Added in Table Of Content
Update: Post Slider Compatibility with FSE
Update: Rank Math not Detecting the Table of Contents
Update: Language File of the Plugin
Fix: SEO Meta Addon Issue
Fix: Metadata in_array Check Issue
Fix: Save Template Addons Shortcode Issue
Fix: Gutenberg Editors Blocks Requests Issue
New: Quick Query Related Post By Tag 
New: Quick Query Related Post By Category
New: Quick Query Related Post By Category and Tag
Update: SEO Addon for Required Plugin Message
Update: License Pages UX Improved
Update: Edit Conditions Icon Added
Fix: Query Builders Sticky Post Issue
2.4.11 – 01 SEPTEMBER 2021
New: Table of Contents Blocks Add
2.4.10 – 23 AUGUST 2021
Fix: Addon Enable Disable Options Security Issue
Fix: Private Posts Security Issue
Fix: Password Protected Posts Security Issue
2.4.9 – 19 AUGUST 2021
New: Taxonomy Query Relation AND and OR Added
New: Filter added for disable cookies
Fix: Elementor Addons Style Issue Fix
2.4.8 – 12 AUGUST 2021
Fix: Reusable blocks
Fix: Post Slider RTL issue
Fix: Post Slider Backend editor issue
2.4.7 – 26 JULY 2021
Update: Check all compatibility issue with WordPress 5.8
Fix: Excerpt size issue
Fix: Default Taxonomy color issue
Fix: Deprecated: block_categories issue
2.4.6 – 06 July 2021
New: SEOPress Meta Addon Add
New: Squirrly Meta Addon Add
New: Title Background Color Add
New: Query by Author ID Add
Fix: Image ALT attributes Issue
Fix: Blocks Settings Overlap Issue
Fix: Post List Box-shadow issue
Fix: Post List 2 and Post List 3 Image Height Width Issue
2.4.5 – 29 JUNE 2021
New: Yoast Integration Addons 
New: Rank Math Integration Addons 
New: All in One SEO Integration Addons
New: Post Title Length Settings
New: Four Pre-made Design added in Slider 
2.4.4 – 27 JUNE 2021
New: Library Synchronize System Add
Fix: Taxonomy Blocks Border Radius Issue
Fix: Heading Image Issue
2.4.3 – 19 JUNE 2021
Fix: Quick Post Slider issue
2.4.2 – 17 JUNE 2021
New: Exclude current post automatic from query
New: Blocks enable disable option add
Fix: Post Module #1 & Post Module #2 blank image issue
Fix: Unnecessary image flip option removed
Fix: Grid height issue
Fix: Post List #2 empty image spacing issue
Fix: Modal popup content scroll issue
Fix: Post Grid 5&6 Responsive issue
Update: View Count issue
Update: RTL Support Improved
Update: All blocks icon & layout icon convert to image
2.4.1 – 10 JUNE 2021
Fix: Post Grid #1 pagination issue
2.4.0 – 08 JUNE 2021
New: Archive Builder (Pro)
Fix: Post Grid #5 & Post Grid #6 fullscreen issue
Fix: Version Compatibility PHP Warning issue
Fix: Setting Change disable Addon issue
Update: Menu Name Change
Update: Documentation URL change
2.3.1 – 01 JUNE 2021
Update: Rebranding PostX Plugin
2.3.0 – 07 MAY 2021
New: Post List 3 Blocks Column Option Added
New: Post List 3 Blocks Column Pag Option Added
Fix: Post List 1-4 Pagination Color and Hover Color on Gutenberg editor issue
Fix: Post Grid 1-7 Pagination Color and Hover Color on Gutenberg editor issue
Fix: Post Slider Title Color on Gutenberg editor issue
2.2.9 – 28 APRIL 2021
Fix: preview CSS broken issue
Fix: Settings radio button uncheck issue
Fix: Pagination focus CSS issue
Fix: Multi color issue & color class removed
Fix: Loadmore style issue
Fix: Empty taxonomy not showing issue
2.2.8 – 13 APRIL 2021
Fix: Quick Fix
2.2.7 – 12 APRIL 2021
New: PostX compatible with WPML
New: PostX compatible with Loco
Fix: Some translation issue
Fix: Post Grid Read More Issue
Update: Update all JS Translation String
2.2.6 – 06 APRIL 2021
New: Taxonomy Blocks Added
New: Pagination Next Previous Text
New: HTML Tag Settings Add in Section
Update: Excerpt Limit
Fix: Some Translation Issue
2.2.5 – 02 MARCH 2021
Fix: Gutenberg Post Blocks Template Issue
Update: Loading Style in Backend Editor
Fix: Carousel Spelling Issue
2.2.4 – 12 February 2021
New: Disable Image Size Added
New: Div and Span Added in Title
New: Order By Modified Date
New: Category Class Added
Update: Default Addon Enable Settings Change
Update: Performance Improved
Fix: No Thanks Button Issue
Fix: CSS Broken in Frontend Issue
Fix: Post Grid #4 Filter Issue
Fix: Pagination Bug on Click Issue
Fix: Pagination Active Hover Color Issue
2.2.3 – 13 January 2021
New: Theme Integration System Added
Fix: CSS Loading Issue
Fix: All Known Issue
2.2.2 – 02 January 2021
* Update: Plugin Name Rebranding
2.2.1 – 23 December 2020
* Update: Query Tag Compatiblity Added
2.2.0 – 22 December 2020
* New: Custom Taxonomy Query Support Added
* New: Custom Taxonomy Query Filter Support Added
* Fix: Dashboard background color issue
* Fix: Backend Editor Category color issue
* Fix: Pagination Background Hover color issue
* Fix: Slider JS Warning issue
* Fix: Slider Full Width issue
2.1.5 – 16 December 2020
* Fix: Import Block Library Button Issue
2.1.4 – 12 December 2020
* Fix: WordPress 5.6 Warning register_rest_route Issue
* Fix: Settings Save Issue
* Fix: CSS Minified to Single File
* Fix: JS Minified to Single File 
* Fix: Filter Dropdown Issue
* Fix: Navigation Arrow Issue
* Update: Dashicon Removed From Frontend
* Fix: Homepage Pagination not Worked without AJAX Issue
* New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With Twenty Twenty One Theme
2.1.3 – 05 December 2020
* Update: Removed Banner From Dashboard
* Fix: All Known Issue
2.1.2 – 26 November 2020
* Fix: Import Button Issue
* Fix: String Translation Issue
2.1.1 – 25 November 2020
* New: Plugins Speed Optimize
* New: New Layout Packs News3
* New: Modified Date Added Inside Meta
* New: Default Font Weight 600,800,900 Added
* Fix: Unit on Responsive Devices Issue
* Fix: Broken Link Issue
* Fix: Wrapper Addons Hide Device Issue
* Fix: Filter Dropdown Responsive Issue
* Fix: Text Spelling Issue
* Fix: Post Grid 6 Responsive Issue
* Fix: Backend Editor Error Issue
* Fix: License Field Type Changed to Password
2.0.3 – 14 October 2020
* New: Introducing Gutenberg Blocks for Elementor Plugin
* New: Save template Addons Added
* New: News 3 Starter Packs Added
* New: Support Align (center,wide,full) for all Blocks
* New: Hide on Different Responsive Device Added
* New: Typography Font Family Search Added
* New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Integration Within Shortcode
* New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With Go Theme
* New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With Hestia Theme
* New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With Kadence Theme
* New: Block Library Import Popup Preloader Added
* Update: Heading Blocks Dropdown
* Fix: Post Module 1 Issue
* Fix: Post Module 2 Issue
* Fix: Post Grid 1 Column Responsive Issue
* Fix: Post ID Duplicate Issue
* Fix: Dismiss Button Issue
2.0.2 – 30 September 2020
* New: Meta Style 2 Added
    * New: Magazine Starter Packs Added
    * New: Preloader Color Added
    * New: Gutenberg Editor Container Width Added
    * New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With astra Theme
    * New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With neve Theme
    * New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With blocksy Theme
    * New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With sydney Theme
    * New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With twentytwenty Theme
    * Update: Premade Design Library Improved
    * Update: Compatible With Gutenberg Plugin Version 9.0
    * Fix: Heading Button Color Issue
    * Fix: Post Tags Filter Issue
    * Fix: WordPress Lazy Load Issue
    * Fix: Install Plugin Error Issue
    * Fix: Pagination Offset Issue
    * Fix: Order By Include Issue
2.0.1 – 23 SEPTEMBER 2020
New: One ID / Class to identify the loop Added
    New: Post List 2 Blocks Spacing Added
    Fix: Heading Blocks Issue
    Fix: Post List 2 Blocks Image Height Issue
    Fix: Reading Time Issue
    Fix: display All Post Issue
    Fix: Sticky Post Issue
2.0.0 – 22 SEPTEMBER 2020
New: Post List #4 Blocks Added
    New: Post Grid #5 Blocks Added
    New: Post Grid #6 Blocks Added
    New: Post Grid #7 Blocks Added
    New: Post Module #1 Blocks Added
    New: Post Module #2 Blocks Added
    New: Block library Readymade Block Design Added
    New: New Readymade Design Added
    New: New Starter Kit Design Added
    New: Overview, Pro Features, Contact Us, License and Upgrade Page Added
    New: Cache enable for blocks library
    New: Image Lazy Load Added
    Update: Settings Panel Improved
    Update: Directory Content Improved
    Fix: Slider Image Size Issue
    Fix: All known Issue Fixed
1.2.6 – 16 AUGUST 2020
Fix: Image Clickable Issue Fixed
1.2.5 – 02 AUGUST 2020
Fix: Post List 2 Responsive Issue Fixed
1.2.4 – 19 JULY 2020
Update: Design improved for plugin dashboard landing page
1.2.3 – 16 JULY 2020
Fix: CSS added via file system Issue Fixed
    Fix: Hide Button Issue Fixed
    Fix: Post List 2 Blocks Meta Position Issue Fixed
    Fix: Post Slider 1 Blocks Meta Position Issue Fixed
    Fix: Post Grid 3 Blocks Meta Position Issue Fixed
    Fix: Post Grid 4 Blocks Meta Position Issue Fixed
1.2.2 – 02 JULY 2020
New: Multisite Support Added
Fix: Reading Time Issue Fixed
Known CSS Issue Fixed
1.2.1 – 17 JUNE 2020
Fix: Loadmore Button Position Resetting Issue
Fix: Known CSS Issue Fixed
1.2.0 – 11 JUNE 2020
Fix: Title Tag CSS Issue Fixed
Fix: Dropdown Field Type Open Issue Fixed
Fix: Excerpt CSS Issue Fixed
1.1.9 – 05 JUNE 2020
New: All Sections Title Tag P and SPAN Issue
Fix: Undefined Index in Options.php Page
1.1.8 – 01 JUNE 2020
New: Import Layout Enable/Disable Button Added
Fix: Excerpt Duplicate Issue in Product Grid 2
Fix: Change name “Ultimate-post” to “Gutenberg Post Blocks”
Fix: Pagination Not Working for some Criteria
Fix: CSS links HTTPS mixed content issue fixed
Fix: Filter Not working for the specific condition
Update: Add span and p in the title tag lists
Update: Option Panel Text has been Updated
1.1.7 – 28 MAY 2020
New: Load More Text Added
New: Include and Exclude Help Text Added
Fix: AJAX Pagination Viewport Issue
Update: Performance Improved
1.1.6 – 25 MAY 2020
New: Filter All Text Change Option
New: Query Order by Meta Value Added
New: Layout Click is now not Query Reset
New: Show Full Excerpt Added in Every Blocks
Fix: Post List #1 Bug Fix and it is Now Live
Fix: Filter is now not Showing Draft Posts
Fix: Filter Design Improved
Fix: Blank Image Problem Solved
1.1.5 – 21 MAY 2020
Update: Compatible With WordPress 5.4
Fix: Filter issue Fixed
1.1.4 – 18 MAY 2020
Fix: Sub Category Filter issue Fixed
Fix: Post Grid #3 CSS issue Fixed
1.1.3 – 14 MAY 2020
New: Added New Layout Named (Fashion)
Update: Update Import Layout Popup
Fix: Navigation Color Issue Fixed
Fix: Font Typography Default Issue Fixed
Fix: Pagination Color Issue Fixed
1.1.2 – 10 May 2020
New: Wrapper Addons
New: Custom Post Type Added in Query
New: Post List 2 Inner Content Style Added
New: Post List 3 inner Content Style Added
Fix: Pagination Hover on Mobile Device Issue Fixed
Fix: Post List 3 Number of Post in Query Save Issue Fixed
Fix: Slick Theme CSS issue Fixed
1.1.1 – 07 May 2020
Fix: Query Builder Offset not Save Issue Fixed
Fix: Pagination Issue Fixed
Fix: Next Previous Issue Fixed
Fix: Load More Issue Fixed
Fix: Filter Issue Fixed
Fix: Pagination Style for Mobile CSS Issue Fixed
1.1.0 – 03 May 2020
New: Image Block Added
Fix: Image Overlay Opacity Issue Fixed
Fix: Image Overlay Default Color Issue Fixed
Fix: Dashboard Settings Fix
Update: Setting Panel Design Update
1.0.7 – 28 April 2020
New: Blocksy Theme Support Added
Update: Setting Panel Redesign
Fix: Fixed Slider Height Issue
Fix: Fixed Pagination Issue
Fix: Fixed Post Grid 2 click Issue
Fix: Fixed Load More Issue
Fix: Fixed Title Issue
1.0.6 – 25 April 2020
New: Added Full Excerpt Setting in Post List 1
New: Added Full Excerpt Setting in Post List 2
New: Added Full Excerpt Setting in Post List 3
New: Added Full Excerpt Setting in Post List 4
1.0.5 – 22 April 2020
Fix: Layout Reset Bug Fix
1.0.4 – 20 APRIL 2020
New: Coblog theme support added
New: Pre-made Design Option Added
Fix: Post Grid 1 Bug Fix
Fix: Responsive Issue Fix
Fix: Template Issue Fix
Fix: Import Option Improved
Fix: Block Preset Design Improvement
Update: Setting Panel Redesign
Update: WordPress 5.3.2 Tested
1.0.3 – 15 APRIL 2020
New: Added Read More Button Icon disable Option
Fix: Post List 1 Meta Position Issue Fixed
Fix: Post List 1 Separator Issue Fixed
Fix: Post List 1 Column Issue Fixed
Fix: Post List 2 Image Border Issue Fixed
Fix: Post List 2 Animation Issue Fixed
Fix: Post List 3 Image Border Issue Fixed
Fix: Post Grid 1 Image Border Issue Fixed
Update: WordPress 5.3 Tested
1.0.2 – 10 APRIL 2020
Fix: Template Issue Fixed
1.0.1 – 08 APRIL 2020
New: Added Twenty Twenty theme support
New: Added Language File
Update: Performance Improved
Fix: Post List 1 CSS Fixed
1.0.0 – 05 Mar 2020
New: Initial version released