Front End
Post Submission

Let freelance or guest writers submit posts from the front end.
Front End Post Submission

Discover the Key Features
That Set Us Apart!

Manage Guest Writers

Manage freelance and guest writers directly from your dashboard.

Editor Choice
Reviews and Suggestions

Review and suggest changes to the freelance writer’s submitted content.

Guest Post Submission

Let the guest writers use the Gutenberg editor to submit write-ups without registering.
Post category sort

Effortlessly Manage Guest Writers

Ditch the doc and easily manage remote writers by providing them personalized dashboards, Gutenberg editor, and SEO optimization access.

Individual Dashboard

All of your registered freelance/remote writers will get a personalized dashboard. From here, they can add, edit, and submit their write-ups.

SEO Support

You will be able to give access to the SEO plugin you are using on your site. So they can add focused keywords, meta descriptions, and more without hassle.

Real-Time Notifications

Both the writers and you, (the admin) will get a notification if a new post is released, if changes are required in a post, or any suggestions for changes.

Reviews and Suggestions

You don’t have to rely on Google Docs anymore! Review the writer’s submitted content, add comments, and make suggestions directly from the front end!

Add Comments

Mark the content where improvements or changes are required and add your desired comment. So the writer will be notified and take the necessary steps.

Suggest Changes

You can edit the submitted content in the suggesting mode. So the writer will be aware of the changes or improvements required.
Post tag sort
posts taxonomy sort

Frontend Guest Post Submission

It allows you to let the guest writers submit their write-ups directly from the front end without registering to your site.

Write for Us Page

Create a trendy Write for Us page from where guest users can see requirements and submit their write-ups.

Front End Editor

Display the Gutenberg editor at the front end. So the guest writers can add their write-ups. And, you just need to review and hit the publish button.

Blog and Resources

Here, we share valuable insights, tips, and information to keep you up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in our industry.

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Get PostX, The #1 Gutenberg plugin to craft websites that you always dreamed about.
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