
= 2.0.6 – 21 October 2024 (PRO) =

Fix: User issue: Backorder and Pre-order error
Fix: Pre-order countdown string not translate

= 4.1.0 – 21 October 2024 =

Update: Pagination gap option has been added to the Product Grid/List block
Update: Category before/after title option has been added to the Product Grid 2 block
Update: Background color option has been added to the image in the Product Grid block
Improvement: Single product image compatibility added for the Organic Food theme
Fix: Compare and Wishlist buttons aligned on the same line in Quickview popup.
Fix: Translation issue in Compare and Product Filtering blocks.
Fix: Deprecated issue in Quickview.
Fix: PHP warning issue related to enabling Quickview on mobile in Forum.
Fix: Pagination dots appearing in the wrong place in the Product Grid/List block.
Fix: Click actions not working in the Product Grid block after a filter is applied via the Product Filtering block on iPhone.
Fix: Currency Switcher input value now prevents negative values.
Fix: Padding for navigation items not working in the Product Tab block of the Single Product builder.
Fix: Undefined array key issue in Variation Swatches
Fix: Hide Desktop issue in Row block

= 4.0.9 – 16 October 2024 =

Fix: Product Slider block css issue

= 2.0.5 – 02 October 2024 (PRO) =

Update: Product Filtering block sidebar popup for mobile device
Fix: Show More properly doesn't work for archive page in the Product Filtering block
Fix: Preorder conflict with available date
Fix: Hide stock progress bar when the product quantity is negative
Fix: Backorder is not showing when stock management is enabled and backorders are allowed

= 4.0.7 – 02 October 2024 =

Update: Product Filtering block sidebar popup for mobile device
Update: Label Typography setting added in Variation Swatches addon
Update: Button Settings added in Quickview modal
Fix: Header builder doesn't work on the shop page only
Fix: Image style square doesn't work in the Variation Swatches
Fix: Show More properly doesn't work for archive page in the Product Filtering block
Fix: Product image hover effect doesn't work on the Product Grid when the taxonomy is positioned above the image
Fix: Regular price color doesn't work when the product doesn't have a sale price
Fix: Product image gallery position is not centered in the Single Product builder
Fix: Hide Desktop setting error in Column block
Fix: Button block icon size doesn't work properly for responsive device
Fix: Quickview disable for mobile is not working
Fix: Short description settings do not hide when the short description is disabled in the Product Grid block

= 2.0.4 – 15 September 2024 (PRO) =

Fix: Sticky Cart responsive issue

= 4.0.6 – 15 September 2024 =

Update: Product Filter block popup for Mobile device
Update: Product image added in order review block of Checkout Builder
Update: WowStore community link change
Improvement: Germanized for WooCommerce plugin compatibility
Fix: Layout preview broken in Addon Setting panel
Fix: Quickview responsive issue
Fix: Compare responsive issue
Fix: Wishlist redirect to page not working on Mobile device
Fix: Sales Push Notification issue with Order Refund
Fix: PHP Warning issue in Product Tab block

= 2.0.3 – 02 September 2024 (PRO) =

Fix: Call For Price button not showing after pagination in product grid
Fix: Deprecated issue in Currency Switcher addon

= 4.0.5 – 02 September 2024 =

Update: Hide main price option added from Name Your Price addon
Update: Box Shadow option added in content wrap from Product Grid block
Improvement: Divi addon compatibility
Improvement: Theme compatibility with Product Additional block
Improvement: Theme compatibility Product Review block
Fix: Product gallery broken for mobile view in gutenberg editor
Fix: Addon Settings panel broken in Safari browser
Fix: Update failed from gutenberg editor for Product Filtering block
Fix: Query Builder order by not working after exclude product

= 2.0.2 – 19 August 2024 (PRO) =

Fix: Partial payment compatibility with CHIP for WooCommerce plugin
Fix: Sticky Cart quantity show only for simple product

= 4.0.4 – 19 August 2024 =

Update: FSE theme support
Fix: Product Slider broken for short description
Fix: Redirect to product page from wishlist if not add to cart
Fix: Continue Shopping button not working for empty wishlist
Fix: Variation swatches image not change in Oxygen builder for Single Product template
Fix: Name price not working for custom product type
Fix: Product rating not showing in Mozilla Firefox
Fix: Breakdance and Bricks builder compatibility

= 2.0.1 – 13 August 2024 (PRO) =

Fix: Partial payment total amount displaying issue

= 4.0.3 – 13 August 2024 =

Fix: Mini cart not update after add to cart from quickview
Fix: Add to Cart text not change for guest user
Fix: Order number compatibility with Sequential Order Number for WooCommerce plugin in Thank You builder
Fix: Woocommerce default success/error message broken in single product
Fix: Add to cart button not responsive for long button text in grid
Fix: Header builder issue
Fix: Product Review blocks is not showing properly on different theme
Fix: Saved template compatibility with wpbakery

= 4.0.0 – 15 July 2024 (PRO) =

New: Cart Reserved Timer Addon
New: Product Video Addon
New: Size Chart Addon
New: Quick Social Share Addon
New: Sticky Add to Cart Addon
Fix: Plugin Speed Optimize
Update: Addon Re-structured and Optimize
Update: Blocks Re-structured and Optimize
Update: Rebranding WowStore Pro Plugin Addon

= 4.0.0 – 15 July 2024 =

New: Add to Cart Text Addon
New: Animated Add to Cart Addon
New: Name Your Price Addon
New: Sales Push Notification Addon
New: Product Title Limit Addon
New: Compare Block
New: Wishlist Block
Fix: Plugin Speed Optimize
Fix: All Premade Template Design Issue Fixed
Update: Addon Re-structured and Optimize
Update: Blocks Re-structured and Optimize
Update: Dashboard UI Changed

= 1.3.12 – 23 May 2024 (PRO) =

Update: Counter enable/disable option added in Pre-order setting

= 3.1.16 – 23 May 2024 =

Update: Counter enable/disable option added in Pre-order setting
Update: Width and Height option added in Variation Swatches
Fix: Image not showing in Variation switcher button

= 3.1.15 – 15 May 2024 =

Fix: Block attribute escaping and security improve
Fix: Category description showing HTML tag in category block
Fix: Image Flip issue
Fix: Advance sorting properly not working within the product sorting query in the Single Product builder
Fix: Slide view not working in Divi builder

= 3.1.14 – 08 May 2024 =

Fix: Image gallery position properly not working in Single Product Builder
Fix: Filter block taxonomy shows according to if specific taxonomy selected in Product Grid block
Fix: Product not added to cart in various themes
Fix: Variation switcher image does not change in FSE theme
Fix: Archive Builder not working in XtremeFitness theme
Fix: Image gallery does not change images in Divi theme
Fix: Product not remove from wishlist after add to cart
Fix: Initial premade popup hides when block starts

= 1.3.11 – 21 April 2024 (PRO) =

Fix: Show 'Install/Activate WowStore if the free plugin is uninstalled/deactivated
Fix: Add To Cart text showing twice when Pre-order enable
Fix: Add To Cart text showing twice when Backorder enable

= 3.1.13 – 21 April 2024 =

Fix: Variation enable/disable functionality not working in the variation switcher
Fix: Image appears twice in the grid when the Quickview addon is enabled
Fix: Button is broken in the Quickview modal of the Neve theme
Fix: Image broken in the Quickview modal of the Neve theme
Fix: Button is broken in the Quickview modal of the Twenty Twenty Four theme
Fix: Image is not displayed in the Single Product builder for the child theme of the DWT Listing theme
Fix: Required login functionality is not working in the Wishlist addon
Fix: Hovering over the overlay element causes a flip image hover issue
Fix: Image is broken in the Single Product builder for the Hello Shoppable theme

= 3.1.12 – 19 March 2024 =

Fix: Product Slider block broken issue
Fix: Product Slider block View Cart button missing
Fix: Field type missing in block settings
Fix: Critical error in addon settings

= 3.1.11 – 14 March 2024 =

Update: performance improve
Update: REST API capability
Fix: Data sanitize and escaping issue

= 3.1.10 – 05 March 2024 =

Update: Template duplicate option in Woo builder
Update: Image Flipper disable option in mobile device
Update: Filter item initially close option in Filter block for mobile device
Fix: WowStore compatibility issue with LifterLMS plugin
Fix: Image hide when mouse quick move in Grid/Loop product
Fix: Thank You Template broken in gutenberg editor
Fix: Deprecated issue

= 3.1.9 – 18 February 2024 =

Fix: Product Grid 4 block hover issue
Fix: Premade popup open issue in existing block
Fix: Product Grid #1 query taxonomy conflict with filter when slide view

= 3.1.8 – 05 February 2024 =

Update: Changelog hide from plugin update now section
Fix: Notice CSS issue

= 3.1.7 – 04 February 2024 =

Fix: Display the warning message below the "Submit Ticket" button for the quick contact form submission
Fix: Quick contact working message design issue
Fix: WowStore sidebar menu CSS issue
Fix: Hover color issue in any dropdown within General settings
Fix: The help question icon should have hover effect
Fix: Image Flip addon conflict with husky/woof filter plugin
Fix: WooCommerce icon too large when WooCommerce not active
Fix: Custom Font, Saved Template enable/disable not working
Fix: Error showing when WooCommerce not active
Fix: Product Category 3 extra space showing in iPhone
Fix: Extra space showing after footer
Fix: Single Product builder slider not working on RTL site
Fix: Quick View slider not working on RTL site
Update: Re-order addons in the Dashboard
Update: Change the default column value to 3 for the Product Grid
Update: Make layouts 1 to 6 free for the Product Grid
Update: Make layouts 1 and 2 free for the Product List
Update: Allow visibility of all Pro blocks even if the license is expired
Update: Open the "Add to Cart" link in a new tab for external product links
Update: Design Library popup displays upon initializing/selecting a new block in Gutenberg

= 1.3.9 – 23 January 2024 (PRO) =

Update: Price block broken when using Pre-order

= 3.1.6 – 23 January 2024 =

Fix: Product Slider block conflict with row block
Fix: Product Price broken in Astra theme
Fix: Highlighting of selected item in Gutenberg blocks settings select field type
Fix: WowStore conflict with WooCommerce Product Addons Ultimate plugin
Fix: Duplicate display of "Add to Cart" button in Single Product builder
Fix: Error showing when when custom element CSS load
Fix: Block not working on Mega Menu of Kadence theme
Fix: Payment Method label responsive issue in Checkout Builder
Fix: Product sale price CSS broken

= 1.3.8 – 15 January 2024 (PRO) =

Update: Call for Price addon redesigned

= 3.1.5 – 15 January 2024 =

Fix: Upgrade to Pro button design change in plugin list
Fix: Footer builder broken in Astra, Generatepress, Storefront theme
Fix: My Account builder table button spacing issue
Update: Quick View addon redesigned
Update: Product Image Flipper addon redesigned
Update: Call for Price addon redesigned

= 3.1.4 – 09 January 2024 =

Fix: Single Product builder price and rating design broken in Plant theme
Fix: Jquery BlockUI error in Checkout page
Fix: The spacing for the short description in the Single Product builder not working properly
Fix: Font upload not working in Custom Font addon
Fix: Most Sales query properly not working in Product Sort query builder
Fix: YITH Request a Quote plugin conflict with WowStore
Fix: Clicking the Compare and Wishlist buttons is not working as expected due to a code snippet
Fix: Editor script issue in Appearance Widget
Fix: Add to cart text displaying multiple times when click Variation Swatches
Fix: Plus Minus icons are displayed twice in the Single Product builder
Fix: Image Flipper option selection is not working in addon settings
Fix: Editing the Cart and Checkout builders is not possible when the Conditional Shipping for WooCommerce plugin is active
Fix: Changing the shipping option is not working in the Cart Total and Checkout Order Review block
Fix: Rank Math focus keyword suggestion is not working properly with WowStore active
Fix: WowStore Blocks broken in GeneratePress hook element
Fix: Plus Minus icon background not working in the Single Product builder
Update: Code optimize and performance improved

= 3.1.3 – 06 December 2023 =

Fix: Image height issue for Image blocks in the Homepage builder of the Twenty Twenty Three theme
Fix: Dashboard general settings dropdown broken
Fix: Error showing in footer
Fix: Cart Table block quantity plus minus broken in Plant theme when using Cart Builder
Fix: Add To Cart block quantity input border missing in Single Product builder

= 3.1.2 – 03 December 2023 =

Fix: Image height issue for Image blocks in the Homepage builder of the Twenty Twenty Three theme
Fix: Dashboard general settings dropdown broken
Fix: Error showing in footer
Fix: Cart Table block quantity plus minus broken in Plant theme when using Cart Builder
Fix: Add To Cart block quantity input border missing in Single Product builder

= 1.3.7 – 29 November 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Filter block checkbox selection reset after page reload

= 3.1.1 – 29 November 2023 =

Fix: Filter block checkbox selection reset after page reload
Fix: GenerateBlocks css not working on builder
Update: Compare Addon Redesigned

= 3.1.0 – 26 November 2023 =

Fix: Free shipping text not translate

= 3.0.9 – 27 November 2023 =

Fix: Dashboard CSS issue

= 3.0.8 – 13 November 2023 =

Fix: Continue shopping not working in Wishlist
Fix: Row block not working perfectly on firefox

= 1.3.6 – 06 November 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Data escaping issue

= 3.0.7 – 06 November 2023 =

Fix: Data escaping issue
Update: Taxonomy relation show/hide option added in filter block

= 3.0.7 – 06 November 2023 =

Fix: Data escaping issue
Update: Taxonomy relation show/hide option added in filter block

= 3.0.6 – 19 October 2023 =

Fix: Builder template not working in Gutenberg editor

= 1.3.5 – 18 October 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Call for price button showing multiple time in Single Product builder
Fix: Partial payment button broken with the add to cart button in Single Product builder

= 3.0.5 – 18 October 2023 =

Fix: Live Preview link not displaying in the design library of premade lists
Fix: Custom font upload validation
Fix: Addon settings save button not stays sticky
Fix: Hover overlay broken in Product Grid #2
Fix: WooCommerce Builder video link change
Fix: Taxonomy not hiding when count is 0 in Product Filtering block
Fix: Search block z-index issue in header builder on mobile device
Fix: Cart Total block table column broken in Cart builder
Fix: Additional Information block table column broken in Single Product builder
Fix: Addon settings do not change after saving when reopening the settings popup
Fix: Add to cart button broken in Single Product builder in Astra theme
Fix: Checkout form automatically submits when clicking on the accordion block of the Generateblocks plugin in the Checkout builder
Fix: Floating bar's add to cart plus icon from Blocksy Companion plugin not showing when WowStore active
Fix: Image height properly not working after providing link in the Image block
Update: Template kit/pattern free elements now sorted to appear first in the order
Update: Added z-index setting option in column block for more precise control over element layering
Update: "How to use filter" video displayed in popup
Update: Taxonomy relation option added in Product Filtering block
Update: Variation swatches label size option added in in Product Grid block
Update: Background overlay color option added in in Banner Maker block
Update: Image responsive option added in Cart Table block
Update: Content Same Height option added in Product Grid #1 block

= 3.0.4 – 04 October 2023 =

Fix: Category hiding issue in Product Filtering block due to dynamic rules from WholesaleX plugin
Fix: Font family not changing in the dropdown of the checkout builder
Fix: Loader alignment broken in the Install WooCommerce notice button
Fix: Variation swatches showing a cross mark after clicking other variations if there is only one attribute
Fix: Max price displaying incorrectly in the Product Filtering block for specific category page
Fix: Broken design in the product list table on the Compare page
Fix: Builder list not appearing for archive builder error
Fix: Extra space removed from the Add Variation button in Custom Font addon and hover effect added
Fix: Single product builder quantity conflict with Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce plugin
Fix: Custom font list design issue in typography settings within gutenberg editor

= 3.0.3 – 25 September 2023 =

Fix: Filter compatibility issue with WholesaleX
Fix: Image Block Error.

= 3.0.2 – 20 September 2023 =

New: Banner Maker block
Fix: Header builder issue with ajax pagination

= 1.3.4 – 19 September 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Deprecated issue with PHP latest version

= 3.0.1 – 13 September 2023 =

Fix: Getting error in plugin update page

= 3.0.1 – 13 September 202 =

New: Custom Font Addon
Fix: Pagination not working properly in archive builder
Fix: Product gallery column number not working when more than 4 columns
Fix: Plus-Minus icon broken in Add To Cart block
Fix: Show subcategories in filter block on specific category pages in archive builder
Fix: Home page builder not working when home page display set post page from reading settings
Fix: Products not hidden in pagination when products are hidden by the WholesaleX plugin
Fix: Taxonomy terms not hidden when count is 0 in Filter block
Fix: Product Review block not working

= 1.3.2 – 11 September 2023 =

Update: Dashboard UI

= 3.0.0 – 11 September 2023 =

New: Header Builder
New: Footer Builder
New: 404 Page Builder
Update: Dashboard UI

= 1.3.1 – 30 August 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Price showing twice when preorder show in a single product

= 2.7.8 – 30 August 2023 =

Fix: Heading style 7 alignment issue in product grid and list
Fix: Search Block console error in header widget area of Blocksy theme
Fix: Sale badge ribbon background not working in product image block
Fix: Product price alignment not working in product price block
Fix: Price showing twice when pre-order available in single product
Fix: Add to cart alignment not working in Add to cart block
Fix: Add to cart quantity input border not working in Add to cart block
Fix: Font weight not working in Thank You builder order details
Fix: Link color not working in Checkout builder payment method block
Fix: Thank You builder extra border issue in Blocksy theme
Fix: Category arrow broken when change typography in Search block
Update: Stock status color and typography option added in product grid 1
Update: Navigation alignment, border, border radius, content alignment added in Product Tab block
Update: Product meta alignment available for stacked meta display
Update: Alignment option added in My Account builder profile settings
Update: Builder blocks are available outside of the builder

= 2.7.7 – 21 August 2023 =

Fix: WholesaleX price not showing on ajax pagination, load more, filter
Update: Product search by sku in product sort query
New: List Block

= 2.7.6 – 16 August 2023 =

Fix: WooCommerce minimum order quantity conflict with WholesaleX plugin
Fix: Condition popup not working in builder
New: Button Group Block

= 2.7.5 – 09 August 2023 =

Fix: Quantity input field of cart table builder broken in Be Theme
Fix: Cross icon of cart table builder broken
Fix: Apply coupon input field broken in checkout builder
Fix: Apply coupon arrow icon broken in checkout builder
Fix: Ship to different address checkbox position of checkout builder not working perfectly in Storefront Theme
Fix: Compatibility with Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce plugin
Update: Stock status option now available for every builder in product sort query
Update: Add category link enable/disable option in product grid
Update: Add product slider block wrapper background option

= 2.7.4 – 27 July 2023 =

Fix: Cart table block product image broken in cart builder for Twenty Twenty Three theme.
Fix: Add to cart button broken in single product builder for the Be theme.
Fix: Thank you builder compatibility issue with Blocksy theme.
Fix: Product image and gallery not showing for RTL direction in single product builder.
Fix: Product category block showing an error after clicking on the tooltip query.
Fix: Product name and quantity broken when the product name is too big in checkout builder order review.
Fix: Image not changing after changing variation when an image gallery exists in single product builder.
Fix: Image not changing after changing variation swatches when an image gallery exists in single product builder.
Fix: Product gallery show/hide not working
New: Product Slider Block
Update: Country name show/hide control in the currency switcher block.

= 1.3.0 – 19 July 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Price perfectly not working after using pagination and filter when currency change
Fix: Currency switcher perfectly not working with free shipping progress bar

= 2.7.3 – 19 July 2023 =

Fix: Product title is broken in the single product builder when utilizing the Twenty Twenty-Three theme
Fix: Currency switcher displays the wrong price after using pagination and filter
Fix: Currency switcher does not work perfectly with the free shipping progress bar
Fix: Checkout order review breaks when the product name is too long
Update: Product sorting query now includes sorting by WooCommerce menu order

= 2.7.2 – 06 July 2023 =

New: New Divi Module Added
New: New Beaver Builder Addon Added
New: New Oxygen Element Added
New: New Elementor Addon Added
Fix: Block library button not showing
Fix: WooCommerce activation notice CSS broken

= 2.7.1 – 31 May 2023 =

Fix: Taxonomy order by in product filter block
Fix: Deal not showing on variable product
Fix: Add to cart not working when using variation swatches
Fix: Product count not perfect in taxonomy of product filter block for search page builder
Fix: My account builder css issue with elementor
Fix: Content wrap background color not working in block
Fix: Billing address css broken
Fix: Product category 2 layout preview and design mismatch

= 1.2.9 – 25 May 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Product search z-index issue with row block
Fix: Product search result border issue

= 2.7.0 – 25 May 2023 =

Fix: Default font weight issue in typography
Fix: Product search extra scrollbar remove
Update: Product search result label settings

= 2.6.9 – 22 MAY 2023 =

Fix: Quick view redirect to single product after add to cart
Update: Taxonomy showing limit settings in product filter block
Update: Minimum and maximum option in product filter block
Update: Notice Banner

= 2.6.8 – 17 May 2023 =

New: Search Block

= 2.6.7 – 15 MAY 2023 =

Update: Cart, Checkout, My Account block is now available for all pages
Fix: Product title issue in wishlist

= 2.6.6 – 10 May 2023 =

Fix: Product filter issue

= 1.2.8 – 10 May 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Call for price issue
Fix: Currency switcher issue

= 2.6.5 – 10 May 2023 =

Fix: Call for price addon text rewrite
Fix: On sale and exclude product not working on product sort query
Fix: Embedded video not working in builder
Fix: Product grid 4 wishlist, compare broken on hover
Fix: WholesaleX price not display in quick view
Fix: Product sort query not working in homepage builder
Fix: Variation swatches not working with elementor
Fix: Quickview not working with elementor
Fix: Filter max price not showing properly

= 2.6.4 – 17 APRIL 2023 =

Update: Notice Banner

= 1.2.7 – 10 April 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: WordPress latest version compatibility check

= 2.6.3 – 10 April 2023 =

Fix: Undefined product variable in product query

= 2.6.2 – 5 APRIL 2023 =

New: Row Column Block

= 1.2.6 – 02 April 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Translation issue

= 2.6.1 – 3 APRIL 2023 =

Fix: HTML code showing in product title
Fix: Product category 2 responsive design broken in mobile device
Fix: WooCommerce zoom disable when lightbox zoom disable in single product builder
Update: Alignment settings added in archive title and excerpt
Update: New options added in Initial Setup Wizard

= 1.2.5 – 29 March 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Builder CSS issue
Update: Advance Query Builder

= 2.6.0 – 29 March 2023 =

Fix: Single product image gallery slide issue
Fix: Checkbox not showing in checkout builder
Update: Advance query builder

= 1.2.4 – 15 March 2023 (PRO) =

* Fix: Preorder issue

= 2.5.6 – 15 MARCH 2023 =

Fix: Product slide view design broken before the slider loaded
Fix: The flip image is not working properly in every image
Fix: Product search builder not working properly for all theme
Fix: Divi theme compatibility with shop, archive builder
Fix: Column not working properly for Kadence WOO Template plugin
Fix: Select options button is not working properly for variable product
Fix: WooCommerce additional variation image not working in the single product builder
Fix: Specific category selection missing for category query in builder

= 2.5.5 – 26 FEBRUARY 2023 =

Fix: Block hide setting issue in responsive of Gutenberg editor
Fix: Custom tab plugin compatibility with single product builder tab
Fix: Product grid filter not working in widget area
Fix: Pagination not working in the widget area
Fix: Load more not working in the widget area
Fix: Filter, pagination, and load more not working in Kadence Elements
New: Google font disable option added

= 1.2.3 – 15 February 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Plugin activation issue for multisite

= 1.2.2 – 13 February 2023 (PRO) =

Fix: Compatibility Check

= 2.5.4 – 13 FEBRUARY 2023 =

Fix: Favicon doesn’t show in twenty twenty-two and three themes while using the builder
Fix: Footer menu item not showing in home page builder
Fix: Load more not working properly in archive builder
Fix: Login form design broken in my account builder
Update: Pagination and load more included in product list blocks
Update: Filtering options synced with the category query of product blocks

= 2.5.3 – 30 JANUARY 2023 =

Fix: Private product showing on builder
Fix: Add to cart text showing in button when the product is out of stock
Update: Table content alignment settings
Update: Filter block show more item load by ajax with specific number

= 2.5.2 – 25 JANUARY 2023 =

Fix: Block css issue

= 2.5.1 – 22 JANUARY 2023 =

Fix: Column setting not working properly for gutenberg mobile and tablet preview
Fix: Single product page compatibility with twenty twenty theme
Fix: Product grid not working in docent theme in builder
Fix: Filter block search input placeholder and sort by dropdown value translate
Fix: Slide view not working in Product grid for rtl website
Fix: Wrapper block issue
Fix: Product filter by taxonomy doesn’t working properly in specific category page builder
Update: Filter block implement with product list 1 block

= 2.5.0 – 01 JANUARY 2023 =

Fix: Homepage builder showing error
Fix: Slide view not working on mobile and tablet preview
Fix: The product should display based on the category while using the filtering option on a category page
Fix: The product should be based on the search query while using filtering options in the search results page
Fix: Broken design of thank you page template
Fix: Custom menu not showing in homepage builder
Fix: Block drag n drop issue
Fix: Filter block empty taxonomy issue
Update: Taxonomy initially expand/collapse control in the filter block
Update: Setting options for variation swatches of product label background

= 1.2.0 – 14 December 2022 (PRO) =

* Fix: Cart total not calculated properly when implement shipping method in partial payment addon

2.4.9– 14 DECEMBER 2022

* Update: Background image added in wrapper block
* Fix: Compatibility issue with duplicate post plugin
* Fix: Single product builder doesn't working for category
* Fix: Header and footer missing on blockbase theme and elementor

= 2.4.8 – 11 DECEMBER 2022 =

Fix: Cross sell block showing even if there is no cross sell on the cart page
Fix: Product grid broken when product filter apply to same grid
Fix: Custom taxonomy support on product filter

= 1.1.9 – 30 NOVEMBER 2022 (PRO) =

* New: Currency Switcher Addon
* New: Currency Switcher Block

= 2.4.7 – 30 NOVEMBER 2022 =

* Fix: WowStore template full-width issue

= 2.4.4 – 15 NOVEMBER 2022 =

New: Dashboard setup wizard
New: Social Share block in single product page builder

= 2.4.3 – 10 NOVEMBER 2022 =

Fix: Invalid data title on table data of Cart Total Block
Fix: Broken design of Compare popup
Fix: Broken design of Payment Method Block
Update: Option implemented to add sidebar in Builder
Update: Overview page content
Update: Loader added while adding to cart

= 2.4.2 – 31 OCTOBER 2022 =

Fix: Session issue

= 2.4.1 – 27 OCTOBER 2022 =

Update: Tested up to WordPress 6.1
Fix: Builder home page pre-made template issue
Fix: TemplateKit import special character issue
Fix: Block library css issue in page edit
Fix: Product count control in Filter Block
Fix: Save Template issues with Elementor
Fix: Design issue on Product Image Block
Fix: Broken design of image using image flip

= 2.4.0 – 23 OCTOBER 2022 =

Fix: Conflict between single product image and variation swatches in the single product builder
Fix: Pagination not working when using random product in quick query
Fix: Add to cart validation message multiple time when using variation swatches
Update: Quickview added on WooCommerce default shop page
Update: Compare added on WooCommerce default shop page
Update: Wishlist added on WooCommerce default shop page
Fix: Quick query dropdown default selection issue
Fix: Broken box shadow inset on Image
Fix: Broken star rating on Sydney theme

= 2.3.9 – 19 OCTOBER 2022 =

New: Builder settings new design
New: Checkout Page Builder
New: Billing Address Block in Checkout Page Builder
New: Shipping Address Block in Checkout Page Builder
New: Additional Information Block in Checkout Page Builder
New: Order Review Block in Checkout Page Builder
New: Payment Method Block in Checkout Page Builder
New: Coupon Block in Checkout Page Builder
New: Login Block in Checkout Page Builder
New: My Account Page Builder
New: Thank You Page Builder
New: Order Conformation Block in Thank You Page Builder
New: Thank You Address Block in Thank You Page Builder
New: Thank You Order Details Block in Thank You Page Builder
New: Order Payment Block in Thank You Page Builder
New: Content Wrapper Style added on Product Grid 1 and Product List 1 Block
Fix: Product list 1 design broken when using the filter
Fix: Product filtering failed to produce the correct results for specific category page.

= 2.3.8 – 27 SEPTEMBER 2022 =

New: Dashboard And Settings Page New Design
Fix: Random post not working in builder
Fix: Single product builder broken in plant theme

= 2.3.7 – 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 =

New: Global Setting Pannel added
New: 500+ google Fonts added
New: Preview Support added in block editor
Update: Setting Pannel redesign
Update: Performance improvement
Update: Image height control on Product Image Block
Fix: Caching issue solved
Fix: Broken Wishlist design in Divi theme
Fix: Broken design in Heading Block

= 2.3.6 – 04 SEPTEMBER 2022 =

Fix: Variation Swatches price not changing in builder
Fix: Broken layout design of Category 1 Block
Fix: Select option is not working properly in Single Product Blocks

= 2.3.5 – 01 SEPTEMBER 2022 =

New: Product Filter Blocks
Fix: Heading alignment is not working properly in Product Grid 1,2,3,4 and Product List 1 Blocks
Fix: Broken Product Image Blocks design on Builder in Flatsome theme
Fix: Broken star icon in Flatsome theme
Fix: Broken Image design in Product Category 2 Blocks

= 2.3.4 – 9 AUGUST 2022 =

Fix: Loadmore doesn’t work properly on Saved Templates
Fix: SVG icon is not appearing on Saved Templates
Fix: Variation Swatches doesn’t work properly on Saved Templates
Fix: Filter doesn’t work properly on Saved Templates
Fix: Popup closing isn’t working properly on Saved Templates
Fix: Design Incompatibility with OceanWP Theme
Fix: Design Incompatibility with PopularFX Theme
Fix: Broken Product Review Blocks Design in Neve Theme
Fix: Broken Button Design on Cart Table Blocks in Colibri WP Theme
Fix: Rating star is not appearing in Colibri WP Theme
Fix: Broken author image design on Product Review Blocks in Blocksy Theme

= 2.3.2 – 27 JULY 2022 =

Fix: Broken Additional Info Blocks width on Builder
Fix: Broken Product Review Blocks design on Builder
Fix: Heading Tag doesn’t work properly in Blocks
Fix: Title Tag doesn’t work properly in Blocks
Fix: Applying border on Add to Cart button doesn’t work on Layout 1 of Product Grid 4 Blocks
Fix: The Quick View button still appears on Layout 1 of Product Grid 4 Blocks after turning it off from the settings
Fix: Horizontal Position doesn’t work in Product Category 1 Blocks
Fix: Image Border Radius doesn’t work in Blocks

= 2.2.8 – 22 June 2022 =

New: Cart Page Builder
New: Cart Table Block In Cart Page Builder
New: Cart Total Block In Cart Page Builder
New: Free Shipping Progress Bar In Cart Page Builder
Fix: On Sale Status, Filter Issue
Fix: Rating 3 Star Issue
Fix: Search Page Issue
Fix: Compare Page Issue
Fix: Builder And Variation Swatches Default Enable
Fix: Archive Block Title Issue

= 2.2.7 – 1 June 2022 =

New: Variation Swatches Addons Added
Fix: Add to Cart Button Showing Issue
Fix: Review Rating CSS Issue
Fix: WooCommerce Deal Warning Issue

2.2.2 – 24 APRIL 2022

Fix: WooCommerce Check Issue
Fix: Blocksy Theme Issue

2.2.1 – 20 APRIL 2022

New: Partial Payments Addon Compatibility Added
Fix: Quick View Addons Popup Design Issue
Fix: Wishlist Addon Popup Design Issue
Fix: Product Compare Addons Popup Redesign
Fix: Product Single Page Builder Wishlist and Product Compare Issue
Fix: Product Compare Addon Action Issue

2.2.0 – 11 APRIL 2022

Fix: Stop the Hyperlink Option Issue
New: Back Order Addon Compatibility Added
2.1.9 – 6 APRIL 2022
New: Call for Price Addon Compatibility Added
Fix: Z-Index Save Issue Fixed
Fix: Query Offset Issue Fixed
Fix: Filter Dropdown Issue Fix
Fix: Filter Item Overlap Issue Fix
Fix: Block Preview Issue Fix
Fix: Product Grid #1 Three Style Available for Free
Fix: Product Grid #2 Three Style Available for Free
Fix: Product Grid #3 Three Style Available for Free
Fix: Product Grid #4 Three Style Available for Free
Fix: Product List #1 Four Styles Available for Free
Fix: Product Category #2 Four Styles Available for Free
Fix: Compare Popup Issue Fix
Fix: Wishlist Popup Issue Fix
Update: PostX Compatibility Added
2.1.8 – 30 MARCH 2022
New: Stock Progress Bar Addon Compatibility Added.
Fix: Category Heading Alignment Issue
Fix: Star Rating Icon CSS Issue
Fix: Product Single Page Builder Condition Issue
2.1.7 – 22 MARCH 2022
New: Pre-order Addon Compatibility Added
Fix: Addons Issue Fixed
Fix: Short Description Not Showing Correctly
Fix: Empty Image Permalink Issue
Fix: Post Grid 1, Post Grid 2, Post Grid 3, Post Grid 4, Post List 1 Empty Image Issue
Fix: Wishlist Add to Cart Disable Popup Issue
Update: Short Description Length Increase
2.1.6 – 1 MARCH 2022
New: All Blocks Widget Support Added
New: In Stock Label Added for Product
New: Preview on Mobile and Tablet Support Added
New: Filter Mobile Dropdown Menu Enable/Disable and Text Change Option Added
Fix: Title Link and Tag Link not Working in Quickview Issue
Fix: Filter Dropdown not Showing Correctly Issue
Fix: Notification AJAX Issue
Fix: Builder Shop Render Issue
Fix: Filter Broken Issue on Mobile Device
Update: Layout Pro Option Updated
Update: Documentation Link License Key Area Added
Update: Fix Spelling Mistake Issue
2.1.4 – 24 JANUARY 2022
New: Loadmore & Pagination Text Changing Option Add
New: “Compare Product” and “Wishlist” Button Design Issue
Fix: Product Tab Navigation Padding Issue
Fix: Product Image Alignment Issue
Fix: Sales Badge Condition Issue
Fix: Category by Query Field Added
Fix: Sale Badge Position Issue
Fix: Image Gallery Fixed Height Issue
Fix: Block Library Sections Naming Issue
Update: “Blocksy Companion” Plugin Compatibility Issue
Update: “Loadmore” is not Working Inside Group
Update: “Add to cart” Button Issue on Blocksy Theme
Update: “Twenty Twenty-Two” Theme Compatibility Issue
Update: WordPress 5.9 Core Compatibility Issue
2.1.2 – 4 JANUARY 2022
New: Top Store, Shopping Cart, Envo Storefront, Envo Shop, Ecommerce Plus, Colibri WP, Big Store, OceanWP, TwentyTwentyTwo, TwentyTwentyOne, Orchid Store, Rife Free, Customify, Sydney, Botiga, Storefront, Blocksy, Zakra, Go, Generatepress, Kadence, Neve, Astra Themes Compatibility Checked
New: WowStore Multisite Ready
New: Old to New Added in Quick Query
New: WooCommerce Default Filter Support Add
New: OnClick Copy Shortcode from Save Template
Fix: Builder Variable Products & Group Products Issue Fixed
Fix: TwentyTwentyTwo Themes Quick Blocks Icon Issue
Fix: Blocks Icon Broken in Widget, Blocks Manager
Fix: Builder’s Draft Post Condition Issue
Fix: Builder’s Quick Query Field Now Showing Issue
Fix: Color Settings Popup Issue
Fix: WowStore Textdomain Issue
Fix: Builders Block Library Window Closing Issue
Fix: No Product Found Loading Icon Removed
Fix: Saved Template Shortcode Issue Fixed
2.1.1 – 22 NOVEMBER 2021
Fix: Query Sections Problems Issue
Fix: Image Lazy Loading Issue
2.1.0 – 15 NOVEMBER 2021
New: Product Single page builder added
New: Product archive page builder added
New: Shop page builder added
New: Product Title Blocks added
New: Product Archive Title Blocks added
New: Product Image Blocks added
New: Product Add To Cart Blocks added
New: Product Stock Blocks added
New: Product Rating Blocks added
New: Product Short Description Blocks added
New: Product Description Blocks added
New: Product Price Blocks added
New: Product Meta Blocks added
New: Product Breadcrumb Blocks added
New: Product Additional Info Blocks added
New: Product Tab Blocks added
New: Product Review Blocks added
2.0.9 – 23 AUGUST 2021
Fix: Addon Enable Disable Options Security Issue
Fix: Private Product Security Issue
Fix: Password Protected Product Security Issue
2.0.8 – 19 AUGUST 2021
Fix: SVG Image Break Issue Fix
Fix: CSS Issue on Shop Page Fix
Fix: Shop Page Double Cart Link Issue
2.0.7 – 11 AUGUST 2021
New: Show Full Title Button Added
New: Exclude Out of Stock Products Added in Query
New: Synchronization Button Added
Fix: Category Blocks Image Issue Fixed
Fix: Image alt Issue Fix
Fix: Cart Button Style in Quick View Issue Fix
Fix: Settings Overlap Issue Fix
Fix: License Function Issue Fixed
Fix: Remove Roboto Font from Heading Settings
Fix: Reusable Blocks Issue Fix
Update: WordPress 5.8 Compatibility Issue
Update: Feature Page Option Removed
2.0.6 – 10 JUNE 2021
Fix: Product Grid 1 cart issue fix
2.0.5 – 03 JUNE 2021
Update: Rebranding WowStore Plugin
Fix: Product Grid 1 Cart issue fix
2.0.4 – 16 MAY 2021
Update: Performance Improvement
2.0.3 – 07 MAY 2021
Fix: preview CSS broken issue
2.0.2 – 25 APRIL 2021
Fix: Shortcode bug fix
Fix: Can disable pro freature from free
Fix: Add to cart link filter issue
Update: Facebook group link added in readme
2.0.1 – 11 APRIL 2021
New: Backend language translate compatibility
New: Qubely compatibility
New: WPML compatibility
Fix: Pagination field issue
Fix: Product Category Blocks responsive issue
2.0.0 – 25 MARCH 2021
New: Product Grid 4 block added
New: Product Category 2 block added
New: Product Compare addon added
New: Product Flip Image addon added
New: Product Quickview addon added
New: Product Templates addon added
New: Product Wishlist addon added
New: New readymade layout added
New: New readymade section added
New: Order by modified and random added
New: Advanced query builder added
New: Action filter like top sale, most popular, top rated etc. added
Update: Update post grid 1, post grid 2, post grid 3
Update: Heading block updated
Fix: Inner block issue fixed
Fix: Filter issue fixed
1.1.1 – 02 JANUARY 2021
Update: Plugin name rebranding
1.1.0 – 16 DECEMBER 2020
New: Only Parent Category Query Added in Category Blocks
New: Typography Font Weight 800, 900 Added
New: Set Variable Product Not Added in Cart
New: Gutenberg Post Blocks Compatible With Twenty Twenty One Theme
Fix: Filter Issue
Fix: Carousel Issue
Fix: Add to Cart Quantity Issue
Update: Category Blank Image Link Added
Fix: isActive Issue
Fix: Backend Title Special character Issue
Fix: WordPress 5.6 Warning register_rest_route PHP Warning Issue
Fix: Paginaion in Homepage Issue
Fix: Toolbar Import Button Add for WordPress 5.6
1.0.9 – 01 OCTOBER 2020
Fix: Regsiter_rest_route was called incorrectly Issue
Update: Category block link in image Issue
1.0.8 – 18 AUGUST 2020
New: Hide Import Button Disable Option Added
Update: Hide Import Button Design.
1.0.7 – 30 JULY 2020
New: Child Category Option Added in Product Category #1 Query
New: Multisite Support Added
Fix: Show Cart Field Issue Fixed
1.0.6 – 29 MAY 2020
Update: Product Blocks Grid #1 Loadmore Issue Fix
Update: Product Blocks Grid #2 Loadmore Issue Fix
Update: Product Blocks Grid #3 Loadmore Issue Fix
1.0.5 – 21 MAY 2020
Update: Plugins Title and Content
1.0.4 – 20 MAY 2020
New: Add Design Section top of the Setting Panel
Fix: Product Blocks Grid 2 Issue Fix
Fix: Product Blocks Grid #1 Backend Loading Issue Fix
Fix: Product Blocks Grid #3 Backend Loading Issue Fix
Fix: Product Blocks Grid #4 Backend Loading Issue Fix
Fix: Product Blocks List #1 Backend Loading Issue Fix
Fix: Product Category Blocks #1 Backend Loading Issue Fix
1.0.3 – 12 MAY 2020
New: WooCommerce Active Dismiss Notice Option
Fix: AJAX Filter and Pagination not Working for Logout Users
Fix: Category Blocks Image Settings Removed
Fix: Product Grid 3 Alignment Removed
Fix: Category Blocks Count Typography
Fix: Default Arrow Background Color Issue
Fix: Category Blocks Short Description Font Size Issue
Fix: Category Blocks Description Style Issue
1.0.2 – 10 MAY 2020
New: Slider Responsive Breakpoint Settings
New: Pre-made Design Section Added
Fix: Unnecessary Show Quick View Option Disable
Update: Plugins Title and Content
1.0.1 – 4 MAY 2020
New: Layout Import Option Added
Fix: Backend Product Preloader issue Fixed
Update: Product Blcoks (product Grid #3) Icon Update
Update: Product Blcoks (Product Grid #2) Icon Update
1.0.0 – 22 APRIL 2020
New: Initial Version Released