Engaging Product Comparison Addon - WPXPO
heading-icon Product Comparison

Let Your Customer Compare Between Similar Products

Help your potential customers make better buying decisions by letting them compare similar products.

Choose Your Desired Type of Comparison

  • Pop-Up ComparisonDisplay chart on pop up once someone clicks on compare button
  • Redirect to Compare PageRedirect users to the predefined page after adding for comparison
  • Show Comparison on Side BarDisplay the the comparison snippet on the right sidebar
  • Only Compare MessageDisplay a text once someone ads products to compare
  • Comparison on Nav BarDisplay the compare icon on the nav bar instead of the comparison chart
  • Pop Up Comparison
  • Comparison Page
  • Comparison on Sidebar
  • Only Compare Message
  • Comparison on Navbar

Display Comparison Table on My Account Page

Displaying the comparison chart on the customer’s My Account Page allows them to take a longer time to make the final buying decision.

Compare Icons

ProductX Compare addon comes with 8 different comparison icons allowing you to choose the one that suits best your store’s brand identity.

Opening and Closing Animation

Make your potential buyers amazed with the opening and closing animation for the comparison chart. Choose from 10 different options.

Premade Layouts

Jump-start designing the comparison table by choosing from the available premade layouts and feel free to make further adjustments if required.

Customization Freedom

Feel customization freedom. From comparison icons, animation, and color to typography customize each and everything with ease!